

Research of the Claim Management by the Engineer under FIDIC’s Conditions of Contract for Construction

【作者】 张洪青

【导师】 黄文杰;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 技术经济及管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 FIDIC编制的合同条件是一种行之有效的标准合同管理方法,已被大多数国际承包项目所采纳。本论文从工程师的角度出发,系统地分析了索赔的含义、特征、原因和类型,FIDIC施工合同条件(新红皮书)中对索赔的规定,并与红皮书第四版作了比较分析。论述了新红皮书中工程师角色的改变的原因,公正和公平的区别,工程师在索赔管理中的地位、作用、职责和其索赔处理的程序、原则、方法以及工程师如何正确判别索赔证据。阐述了工期延误的类型,工程延误的处理原则,工期索赔的分析方法,费用索赔处理的基本原则和计算方法。并对争议较大的时差、总部管理费等内容的合理确定作了探讨。结合工程案例,分析了工程师如何处理工期延误、加速施工、不可预见等难以处理的索赔事件。

【Abstract】 Conditions of Contract which FIDIC compiles are a kind of standard contract management method, and have been adopted by most international projects. From the point of view of the engineer, this paper discusses the meanings, characteristics types of claims, connection between claims and variations, and analyses the claim clauses in new red book (Conditions of Contract for Construction) systematically. In this paper, the role and function of the engineer in claim management is discussed. This paper also analyzed the procedure and principles in claim management and how to distinguish claim proofs. This paper also gives systematical analysis to the types of project delay and the handling principles of claims of delay and cost.Combinating engineering examples, the paper analyzes the engineer how to handle the delay for a project, accelerating construction, and unforeseen events.Zhang Hongqing (Engineering management)Directed by prof. Huang Wenjie

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】638

