

The Research of Distributed Spacial Data Model Based Metadata and the Application at WebGIS

【作者】 简广林

【导师】 王颖;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 Web GIS是当今GIS领域的制高点,集中体现了分布式计算、组件式软件体系结构等多项先进技术,是地理信息系统的发展趋势。本文从理论和实践两方面对该领域作了较深入的研究。首先,对空间数据的特点和当前可用的数据模型进行研究,在此基础上引入元数据来管理地理上分布、逻辑上统一的空间数据,进而提出一个完整的基于元数据体系的分布式空间数据模型;其次,分析并验证了两种地理应用模型:适应性分析模型、发展预测模型;再次,为了拓宽地理信息的传播手段,把移动短信息技术嵌入到地理信息系统中,以扩充地理信息的传播手段;最后,把前述各项理论研究结合起来,实现了一个WebGIS:数字奥运村信息系统,并给出设计思想和部分关键技术。通过对该系统的试验性工作,也对前面提出的理论研究工作进行了可行性分析、验证。本文的创新点有二:一是提出了一种简单实用的空间数据模型:基于元数据体系的分布式空间数据模型,一是把短信息平台嵌入到WebGIS中,提出地理短信息服务,并给出解决方案,经实践证明具有可行性。

【Abstract】 Today, Web GIS is the peak of the GIS domain, which incarnate distributed computation and frame-based COM. This is the new trend. This paper does much researching work at theory and practice.Firstly, investigates the available data models. Then introduces the Metadata which could organize the spacial data that is distributed geographic and uniform logical. And then put forward a distributed data model based Metadata. Secondly, analyses and validates two Application Models. Thirdly, in order to extend the transmitting means embeds a Short Message platform in a WebGIS platform. Finally, On the basis of the above work I realize a Web GIS named Digital Olympic Village Information System, by which the above work is proved right.This paper has two innovations. They are a simple spacial data model and a new service named Geographical Short Message Service. The two ones have been proved feasible.Jian GuangLin(Computer Science and Technology) Directed by prof. Wang Ying

【关键词】 地理信息系统Web分布式数据模型元数据短信息
【Key words】 DistributedGISWebDataModelMetadataSM
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】187

