

Transmission Pricing and Congestion Management in Electric Power Market

【作者】 韩勇

【导师】 谭忠富;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 技术经济及管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的电力工业正在由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变。“网厂分开,竞价上网”已经进入到实施阶段,我国的电力市场改革进入到了一个新的时期:电网公司将成为一个独立的机构,输电网的开放使用(Transmission Open Access,简称TOA)将成为必然趋势。这一改革有利于电力市场中各市场竞争主体之间的竞争,将天然垄断的输电网独立出来不仅有利于电网的发展、输电费用的控制,而且有利于各市场竞争主体之间的公平竞争。因为发电公司不再拥有输电网,他们发出的电能必须通过输电网才能传送到用户端,输电公司必须允许所有用户(发电公司、电力销售商,大的用户)公开、公平的使用输电网。输电公司则对用户收取一定的输电服务费用。所以如何有效、合理、公平的收取输电费用将是一个很急迫的热点问题。 在此背景下输电定价问题将成为一个具有前沿性和实际意义的课题。本论文结合电力系统、经济学、应用数学和计算机技术等多学科理论知识和我国电力体制改革的实际情况,全面系统的论述了整个输电服务的过程,并把输电费用归为三大类:输电服务固定费用;阻塞费用;网损;把电网公司的用户分为两类:点对点的输电用户(双边交易和转运业务)和面向电网的用户(针对电力交易中心交易类型)。对于这两类输电方式,给出了不同的输电费用计算方法,并说明了各种方法的优缺点,提出了我国输电市场应采用的方法。把修改后的合作博弈理论引入到输电费用分配方法中,这是一个新的尝试。其中输电费用计算是本论文的重点研究部分。 阻塞管理是输电服务的一个很重要的问题。本文给出了改进的最优潮流(OPF)模型,并应用OPF模型计算出了每个节点的节点边际电价(LMP),根据不同节点的LMP差值得出了线路阻塞成本,并对由于阻塞而引起的交易盈余的归属问题进行了讨论。 本论文列举了大量的算例对理论进行深入浅出的说明,同时给出了很多总结性图表进行概括,思路清晰。最后结合中国的实际情况,开发出了一套输电定价应用软件,进行了实际计算。

【Abstract】 Electric industry has changed planned economy into market economy in china. Separations of generation and grid and bidding price have become mature. The electric reform comes into a new period, because network companies will become independent institutioiiL and transmission open access is necessary. After the grid separates form the generation, it is benefit to the fair competition of participants, to the control of transmission charges, and to the development of grid. At the same time, the network companies* must open to all users fairly and receive the transmission charges rationally. So how to charge transmission cost will become a focus problem.Under this condition, I think the research of transmission pricing has practical significance and is a challenging work. This paper systemically discusses the whole process of transmission service using the knowledge of electric system, economics, applied mathematics and computer programs. This paper classifies the transmission cost into three parts, fixed transmission cost, transmission congestion and loss, and classifies the transmission pricing into point-to-point type and grid type. For the two types, this paper gives several calculation methods of transmission pricing and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each method. This paper also introduces modified cooperative game theory into transmission pricing and it is a new thought to the transmission pricing.Congestion management is a very difficult problem. This paper presents the modified OFF model, and calculates the LMPs. The difference of each nodal LMP is the congestion cost. And also this paper brings forward the concept of financial transmission right(FTR) to avoid transmission risk.The maui merit of the paper is that it gives many samples to demonstrate the theories of calculation methods, which is easy to understand for the readers.Finally, this paper exploits simulation software using the transmission system of 14 nodes.

  • 【分类号】F407.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】371

