

【作者】 陈松明

【导师】 颜幼平;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过调查分析寮步镇的环境质量现状,结合全镇的经济发展情况及经济承受能力,制定各规划水平年的环境保护目标和相应措施,逐步改善生态环境质量,使环境与经济协调发展,实现经济的可持续发展。 我们通过现场调查和采样分析,对寮步镇的环境质量现状进行了研究。分析结果表明寮步镇的环境空气质量良好,除个别监测点部分监测指标超过环境空气质量二级标准的要求外,其余各监测点的监测指标均达到二级标准的要求,部分监测点还达到一级标准的要求。但是,水环境质量和噪声环境质量一般。河流水域的监测指标中大部分仅达到Ⅴ类甚至超过Ⅴ类标准的要求,只有少数指标能达到Ⅲ类评价标准的要求。全镇有26.6%的区域处于三类噪声环境下,该区域居住人口占全镇总人口的23.26%。究其原因,除了产业结构和工业布局的不合理外,其主要原因就是环境保护投资不足,各项环境保护设施缺乏。 对人口和各项经济发展指标的预测结果表明,随着经济的发展,寮步镇的废水量及其主要污染物产生量均有逐年递增的趋势。同时,由于各项建设的开展和土地开挖,生态环境也有进一步恶化的趋势。因此,如不采取相应的有效措施,环境空气质量和水环境质量都将进一步恶化,进而直接影响到全镇的经济发展和人民的身体健康。 综合上述监测与预测结果,为了逐步改善寮步镇的环境质量,本规划认为要着力调整产业结构和工业布局,在适度发展原有工业园区的同时,加强对重点污染的整治,对毛织类企业废水进行集中治理,建立毛织工业园。另外,还应严格控制“三废”排放量,提高“三废”处理能力和综合利用能力,确保工业废水100%的处理率和达标率。并且,分三期完成18万吨/日的城市污水处理厂建设,在附近镇区的配合下,确保2020年镇内主要流域水质达到Ⅲ类标准的要求。加强全镇的绿化建设、生态农业建设和自然景观生态建设,力争在规划期内完成绿化面积11881亩,确保到2020年各项环境空气质量指标均优于二级,城镇污水处理率达到90%以上,建成区绿化覆盖率达到30%,生活垃圾无害化率达到100%,初步形成经济与环境协调发展的良好局面。

【Abstract】 After analyzed the present quality of environment in Liaobu and the present quality of economic development, the thesis made suitable stipulation for the environmental protection objective and protection measures, so as to improve the ecological environment quality, reach the harmony of the environment and social economy development and realize the continuable development of the social economy.The research and the sample analysis for the present quality of environment were made and the result showed that the air quality of Liaobu was good and all the monitoring sites reached the second level of the ambient air quality standards except for one or two monitoring indexes beyond the limit in some sites. Some monitoring sites even accorded with the first level. However, the quality of water environment and noise environment was bad. A majority of the monitoring indexes of the river just attained the fifth level even beyond it besides a few monitoring indexes attained the third level. The noise of 26.6% area was beyond the third level of the noise standards, which was about 23.26% population of Liaobu. We found that the main causes of the bad environment were lack of environmental protection investments and environmental measures. Moreover, other causes of it were illogical industrial structure and distribution of industry.The prediction result of population and the development indexes of economy indicates that wastewater and pollutant will rise year by year. At the same time, ecologic environment will be further exacerbate for the economical construction andexcavation. Therefore, the quality of air and water will be further execrable if we don’t make necessary measures, even influence the economic development and residents’ health.ABSTRACTIn a word, in order to improve the ecological environment, it is essential to adjust the economic structure and distribution of industry , enforce the main pollution control when developing measurably the intrinsic industrial estate. We advise to set up a textile industrial estate in order to centralized treatment of textile wastewater. Furthermore, we should strictly control the discharged quantities of wastes and enlarge the treatment capacity and comprehensive utilization capacity of wastes. The treatment rate and attained standard rate for discharged urban wastewater makes sure to attain 100%. The wastewater treatment plant of 180000 t/d must be built step-by-step to ensure that the main water attains the third standards . We advise to enforce the virescent building and accomplish 11811 mu virescence and enforce eco-agriculture and natural construction. Our goal for 2020 is that all the atmosphere quality indexes are better of the second level, the treatment rate of urban domestic sewage is more than 90%, the virescence rate of urban area attain 30%, the rate of civic living rubbish disposed harmlessly attains 100% and the innocuous treatment rate of solid waste attains 100%. It is preliminary perspective that there is a good situation of economic development and environment development in Liaobu.

  • 【分类号】X321.02
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】538

