

On-line Detection and Monitoring System for Continuity of Enameled Wire Coat

【作者】 唐苏湘

【导师】 汪仁煌;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 检测技术及自动化装置, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 将漆包线的在线监测作为漆包线生产过程的质量监控手段是漆包线行业发展的一个必然趋势,但我国现阶段对它的应用和研究都还十分不足。本文首先论述了漆包线在线监测的重要性和国内外开展这项工作的现状以及发展趋势。在分析了现有的漆包线检测设备的缺点和一些在线监测系统的不足的基础上,提出了一个适用于漆包线漆膜连续性在线监测的整体方案。文章着重论述了本系统中所采用的一种新型的非接触的直流高压电场漆膜连续性缺陷在线检测方法,其原理是产生足够的高压电场,让高速行走的漆包线从电场中通过,通过测量其泄漏电流来了解漆包线上漆膜连续性缺陷的情况。设计并研制了检测装置所用的传感器,其中主要创新点在于初次从理论上分析了这种漆膜缺陷传感器的工作原理,设计了传感器的形状,给出了传感器检测电极的半径尺寸及检测高压与漆包线线经的关系数据,并且给出了传感器半径和宽度的选择原则。设计了泄漏电流的检测电路。为了保证传感器工作的可靠性和准确性,研制了一个适用于本系统的直流高压稳压电源,介绍了各个组成部分的工作原理并给出了电路图。接着应用LonWorks技术进行了现场监测节点硬件和软件设计。讨论了中央监控管理单元的上位机和现场节点的通讯实现。最后分析了漆包线漆膜连续性在线监测系统可能出现的各种干扰并提出了抗干扰方法。 本文对漆包线的漆膜缺陷的非接触检测方法进行了研究,并应用这种方法对漆包线漆膜连续性的在线监测进行了探索。制作了样机并取得了良好的实验效果。该项研究对促进漆包线在线技术的应用,推动漆包线行业的发展,均有实际应用的价值。

【Abstract】 It is a trend to use the on-line flaw detection system as a quality control method for enameled wire production. But this field is barren and hardly researched currently in our country. This paper is devoted to solve this problem. Firstly, this paper introduces the importance of the on-line flaw detection system for enameled wire production, and studies researches in this field all over the world. Secondly, this paper presents a scheme for the on-line flaw detection system based on analyzing and studying the shortcomings of existing examining devices and other on-line detection systems. This paper addresses the novel on-line flaw detection method for continuous and non-contact detection adopted in this detection system, which completes flaw detection by measuring the leakage current when forcing the enameled wires to pass through a high-voltage DC electric field. This paper also studies and designs the sensor for the detection system. The principle of the sensor is analyzed theoretically for the first time, which is one of creation works in this paper. Then, this paper studies the shape of the sensor, gives the relation among the sensor radius, the examining high-voltage and the enameled wire diameter, designs a high-voltage DC regulator and leakage detection circuit. Detailed descriptions and schematics regards those issues are given in paper. Furthermore, Field Bus technology is applied in system to solve the supervisory problem. The paper designs the hardware and software of monitoring node in field based on LonWorks, discusses some issues about communications between the host computers in central supervisor unit and node in field. Lastly, this paper analyzes possible interferences existing in system and presents some solutions.This paper researches the non-contact flaw detection method for enameled wire, and applies it to control the quality of continuous enameled wire production. A sample device is made during the research process and the experiment effect is satisfied. This research advances the on-line detection technology, and expedites the enameled wire industry.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】157

