

【作者】 曾懋华

【导师】 奚长生; 黄石玉;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 化学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 冶锌工业资源消耗高,二次资源利用率低,有相当大一部分可利用资源变成了污染物。冶锌废渣是冶锌工业排放量最大,至今没有充分利用的二次资源,从冶锌废渣中回收铅、锌、铜、镉等元素,并进行综合应用,具有可观的经济效益和社会效益。 本文通过对韶关冶锌废渣的深入研究,提出了锌渣综合利用的新工艺,首次将水选、水磨、浮选工艺应用于韶关工业废渣,经过对锌渣进行水洗、湿磨、过筛、浮选等方法分离提纯,得到了91%以上的金属锌及含铅30%以上的硫化铅精矿产品。对铜镉渣用硫酸浸取后的铅渣进行沉淀转化、醋酸溶解、锌片置换等方法制到了含铅92%以上的金属铅;铜镉渣酸浸液经铁粉、镉粉、新制的海绵镉置换得到了高纯度的海绵铜;经中和、氧化、水解除铁后,用锌片置换制到了纯度为90%以上的海绵镉,滤液经进一步净化后制到了七水硫酸锌,其纯度达到了工业一级品要求。经广东省科技厅情报研究所查新检索中心最新检索,国内尚无相同工艺。 本文主要研究内容及实验结果有: 1:对铜镉渣的粒径大小、浸出时间、酸的浓度、浸出温度等条件进行了研究,找到了铜镉渣溶解浸出的最佳方法。 2:利用铜镉渣酸浸后的含铅废渣湿法生产出了醋酸铅及铅,找到了湿法提取铅的生产工艺流程及其条件,以及由硫酸铅转变为醋酸铅的方法。 3:冶锌工业废渣经湿磨、水洗、过筛等物理方法分离提取粗锌,得到了纯度为91%以上的金属锌粒。 4:湿磨、水洗、过筛后的锌渣液制到了ZnCl2工业产品。 5:铜镉渣酸浸后的含铅废渣经湿磨后,浮选出了含铅30%以上的硫化铅,且铅的回收率达到96%以上。 6:通过对冶锌废渣中铜的回收方法研究,找到了最佳工艺流程和条件,并制得了纯度较高的海绵铜。 7:对铜镉渣浸出液中铜提取后的溶液成分研究,找到了加入中和试剂来降低酸度、调整PH值以促进水解除铁的方法、氧化剂的选择和用量。 广东工业大学工程硕士学位论文8:经过冶锌工业废渣中锅的提取工艺流程、条件、试剂对铜的置换率影响的研 究,找到了最佳工艺条件。9:铜锅渣浸取液经净化和提取*、Cd、Ph后的滤液来生产ZnSO.·7H。OI艺, 制得的ZnSO。·7Hzo产品质量达到了HG/2326-92化工行业一级品标准。

【Abstract】 The mine’s resource consumpted is high, but secondary utilization of the mine’s resource is low in annealed zinc industry ,so that lots of resource which can be used became the polluter in our environment. So it is of obvious economic and social values to the recovery’ and synthetic application of the elements such as lead ,zinc ,copper and cadmium on annealed zinc sediment.Through the deep study on the annealed zinc sediment of shaoguan ,we probing the refine course of zinc sediment with physical and chemical ways respectively, with the separation and refine on zinc sediment such as washing , watery grinding ,filter and floatation and so on , over 91 percent of zinc and over 30 percent of sulfuric lead are obtained .dealing with the lead sediment by despositing and converting ,acetic soluting .zinc piece displacement and so on ,which is derived from the copper and cadmium sediment by drenching with sulfuric acid .over 92 percent of lead is obtained; through the displacement of iron flour ,cadmium flour or just prepared sponge cadmium to the acid drenched solution of copper and cadmium sediment ,high purity sponge copper is obtained ;through neutralizing ,oxidizing ,hydrate ex-iron ,over 90 percent of sponge cadmium is obtained by displacement with sheet zinc ,the filtered solution can be prepared for ZnSO4 7H2O ,of which the purity can come to the industrial demand of quality class.The technicals is not found through searches by GuangDong science and technology information gruduate school in our country. The main studied content and results is as follows :1. The copper and cadmium sediment are obtained by studing on the optimal drenchingconditions such as the particle’s size of copper and cadmium sediment ,the drenching time ,the acid’s concentration and the temperature and so on.2. Take use of the sediment containing the lead from the acidized copper and cadmiumsediment to hydro- metallurgic produce the lead acetate and lead, technicals and conditions of hydro-metallurgic distilling the Lead from the sediment containing the Lead are obtained , and the technocal of converting the lead sulfate to lead acetate.3. Though the physical separation and extraction of the coarse zinc from the annealedzinc sediment such as watery grinding .washing and filter .over 91 percent of zinc particle is obtained4. Filtered solution after watery grinding ,washing and filtering can be converted intothe industrial production such as ZnCl2.5. After watery grinding on sediment containing the lead from the acided copper and cadmium sediment ,over 30 percent of sulfuric lead can be floated out ,and the recover}’ of lead can surpass 96 percent.6. Studying on the recovery of copper from the annealed zinc sediment ,the optimal technocal course and conditions are obtained ,and the high purity of sponge copper is made .7. Study on the ingredient of solution which is from the acided copper and cadmium sediment after extracting the copper ,the methods of bring down the acidity and adjusting PH and accelerating hydrate ex-iron with the neutralized reagents ,and the selection and the amount of the oxidized reagents are obtained .8. Study on the extraction technocal course of cadmium from the annealed zinc sediment and conditions and effect of the reagents to the cadmium’s displacement ,the optimal technocal conditions are obtained .9. Though purifying and removing Cu, Cd, Pb on the acided copper and cadmium sediment ,the solution can be used to produce ZnSO4 7H2O,of which the quality can come to HG/2326-92 chemical industrial demand of quality class I .

  • 【分类号】X758
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1061

