

【作者】 李芳

【导师】 邓则名; 陈玮;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着各种先进制造模式的出现,分布式制造模式应运而生。分布式制造模式是指在以敏捷制造思想为指导的基于动态联盟环境下的产品开发制造模式。这种生产模式要求联盟中的各个成员不仅可以动态加入和离开,而且各个成员要传输的信息不会浪费大量的网络带宽资源,避免网络堵塞。随着网络技术的发展,人们利用一些新的网络技术来解决这类问题,但是新型网络技术巨大的硬件投资令中小企业望而却步。虚拟局域网(VLAN)是可以实现跨越广域网上的基于点到多点组播技术的一种新型网络。基于组播的虚拟局域网技术不仅允许网络节点动态加入和离开,而且采用组播技术在加入该网络的用户越多时,对带宽的利用率越高。因此,把VLAN应用到分布式制造中可以满足分布式制造模式的要求。这将为中小企业在广度和深度上实现分布式制造奠定坚实的基础。随着本研究的进一步深入,可以把虚拟局域网技术广泛应用于其它领域。 本论文在国内首次深入研究了VLAN在分布式制造中的应用,实现了二者的有机结合,并得到广东省重点科技项目(99B1901G)和十五重大专项的资助,所取得的主要成果如下: 本文首先介绍了分布式制造的国内外动态,及其目前存在的问题;而后详细分析了虚拟局域网的几种实现机理,指出采用IP组播可以在无需增加额外硬件投资的情况下实现跨越广域网的虚拟局域网,这不仅充分利用网络带宽,而且是解决分布式制造动态联盟中各成员动态加入和离开的行之有效的手段;在此基础上深入研究了IP组播的工作机理和实现方法,并且在Windows 2000平台上使用Visual C++ 6.0设计基于IP组播的软件,以此作为分布式制造模式的网络通讯基础,构建了相应的网络平台,在整个网络中实现了对字符数据和文件传输的IP组播传输;然后设计构造了网络化分布式制造最小系统,以简易数控系统作为最小系统的单元级对象进行IP组播数据传输和远程监控实验。实验表明:采用IP组播技术作为网络通讯的手段时,数据传输对网络带宽资源的占用不随目标节点的增多而成倍增加。因此,使用IP组播实现的虚拟局域网相对于传统的局域网,具有明显的优越性,完全可以满足分布式制造模式对网络的要求。

【Abstract】 With the appearance of various advanced manufacturing modes, the distributed manufacture appears , which is the product developing mode basing on the virtual enterprise environment and directed by agile manufacturing. This manufacturing mode requires that the members of league can enter and leave temporily and the communication among members cannot block the network . With the development of network , people try to sovle the problems by new technology . However , the new network technology needs great hardware investments which are out of the burdening of lots of middle and small enterprises . VLAN is a new type network technology which is based on multicasting and allows the net nodes entering and leaving the VLAN temporily . Because the advanced characters of VLAN , it is very significant to apply the VLAN to distributed manufacturing .Supported by GuangDongProvince Key Science and Technology Item (99B1901G), this dissertation studies on the VLAN applying to distributed manufacturing for the first time in nation . The main contents and related original achievements are described in the following :First this dissertation describes the current status of distributed manufacturing, Then this dissertation analyses the mechanism of VLAN in details and points out that the VLAN can be realized without extra hardware investment by IP multicasting technology . And this dissertation researches the mechanism and realizing methods of IP Multicasting and designs the software by VC++6.0 in order to set up the communication basis of distributed manufacturing and realize the characters and files transmission. Using the real-time numeric control system as the controlling object , this dissertation designs the smallest network distributed manufacturing to test the IP multicasting and long-distance inspecting . The results of experiments show that the VLAN based on IP Multicast is superior to traditional LAN and can be satisfy the requirement of distrubited manufacturing.

  • 【分类号】TP393.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】148

