

【作者】 李文国

【导师】 许立梓;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的飞速发展,对水的需求量日益增加,对水资源的合理调度已成为我们国家的必然选择。传统监控技术由于其本身的局限性,已不能满足在广大的范围内,对多个江河、湖泊、水库的水资源进行集中监控管理。因此,确定合理分布式闸门监控方案,成为保障水资源合理、高效调度的重要课题。 正是在这种新的应用背景下,本文提出了一种基于Internet的远程闸门微机监控系统,这种新型的监控系统可以取代传统的近乎机械的操作方式,通过Internet实现对大范围的江河、湖泊、水库进行集中监控。在用户控制室,能及时了解各个闸门、水位的情况,实现了远程监控的实时性和灵活性。 本文首先讨论了基于Internet的监控系统硬件方案,该监控系统由Internet信号子系统、电话网信号子系统、下位机控制系统组成,通过结合Internet技术,电话网通信技术,将整个监控对象集成化。然后根据系统硬件从上到下的构成,依次介绍了上位机软件的设计与实现、MODEN控制软件的设计与实现、下位机控制系统的设计与实现。在上位机软件的设计中,根据软件的需求分析与方案设计,确定了监控软件的总体功能模块和数据库设计。在软件的实现中,先后介绍了用户管理、界面管理、客户—服务器通信、服务器—下位机通信、监控操作实现、信息查询功能实现、帮助功能实现、数据库设计等。在MODEN控制软件的设计中,详细叙述了MODEN正常工作时的几个重要函数:初始化函数、拨号处理函数、应答处理函数、挂机处理函数,设计并调试了四个函数的通信程序,调制解调器工作时存在两种模式,命令模式与连线模式,命令模式是针对功能设置的模式,连线模式是数据传输的模式。当调制解调器未与其他设备连接时,其处于命令模式,这时候下达给调制解调器的指令是作为调制解调器本身设置或操作用的;当调制解调器已经与其他设备连接时,其处于连线模式,所有在此时由计算机送至调制解调器的信息都将经由电话线传送到另一部计算机上。专门使用于控制调制解调器的指令集被称为“AT指令集”,对MODEN的所有操作(如拨号、应答、挂机等)都可以通过给MODEN发送ASCII字符串来实现,MODEN在收到AT命令后,先对命令进行判断,接着分析和执行命令缓冲区中的命令,最后以自身的ASCII字符对命令作出响应。在下位机控制系统的设计中,详细介绍了下位机系统的硬件和软件设计。下位机由一个单片机采集控制系统组成,实现闸门、水位数据的采集、处理、显示;也要负责对上位机的通信管理功能。由单片机作为数据处理中心,外围电路由5个部分组成:数据采集模块,控制按纽输入模块,显示模块,执行输出模块,远程通信模块。

【Abstract】 With the development of china economic reform , the need of water is increased gradually , the attemper of water resource in reson become an necessary choice . Traditional monitoring technique can’t satify the new application in concentratedlyjnonitoring in many rivers ,lakes and reservoirs . So , it is very important to deseign proper monitoring system for strobe to ensure the hign efficiency attemper of water resource .As a new generation of monitoring system , long_distance monitoring system based on internet replaces the traditional nearly mechanic handling mode . Through internet network , you can control all the monitoring devices distributed over large range , such as rivers , lakes and reservoirs etc . In the user’s control room , you can know the process of every strobe and water level in time , realizing the real_time and flexibility of long_distance monitoring ,In this paper , we complete some reseach as follow : firstly ,we lay out the hardware plan of long_distance strobe computer monitoring system based on internet , which includes three sub_systems : internet signal system , telephone signal system ,below_computer control system . By using internet communication technique and telephone communication technique , all the monitoring devices are integrated . Secondly .based the construction of hardware . we introduce in order the deseign and realizing of above_computer software ,control software of MODEN and below_computer control system . In the deseign of above_computer software , based the requirement analysis about the whole system ,we determine the software deseign of monitoring system , such as function modules and database structure . During the software deseign of above_computer ,we introduce user administration , interface administration ,client_server communication , and the realizing of monitoring handles , information query , help and the deseign of database in order . During the deseign of control software of MODEN , we introduce in detail a few function such as initialization , dialing , responsion and hanging up etc , deseign and debug the communication procedure . there are two modes when MODEN work nomally :cammand mode and connectting mode , cammand mode is the mode that deal with the function setting ,connectting mode is the mode that deal with the data transmit. Before the connectting between MODEN and other equipments ,It works at the cammand mode ,the cammand that is send to MODEN is used to set or manipulate the mode , after the connectting between MODEN and other equipments, it works at connectting mode , at that time , the cammandsend from the computer is send to another computer which will pass the MODEN and telephone line .the MODEN control cammand is called "AT" cammand , ALL the control manipulation is realized by sending the ASCII character to MODEN , after the MODEN received the "AT" cammand , it firstly judges the cammand , secondly,it analyses and executes the cammand , finnally, it executes a response by sending back a ASCII character ,during the deseign of below-computer ,we introduce in detail the deseign of system hardware and system software , below-computer system hardware and system software , below-computer is made up of microchip collecting and controlling system ,which finish the strobe and water level data collection ,display and disposal ,deal with the communication with the above-computer ,the microchip is the centre of data dealing with , the peripheral equipments are made up of data collecttion module , control cammand input module , display module, execute output module ,and long-distance communication module . During the deseign of below_computer ,we introduce in detail the deseign of system hardware and system software .

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】161

