

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 陈新; 陈新度;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 MC(Mass Customization,大规模定制)的核心思想就是以批量生产的效率和成本满足市场对产品的个性化需求。合理的产品族布局是MC的基础和保障。以市场需求来指导产品族的规划是一个新兴的研究课题,它需要将属于客户视角的、模糊的市场需求转化为属于设计视角的、量化的、具有工程意义的技术参数或指标。本文从这个需求出发,建立了客户群体需求倾向模型,采用关联分析法、聚类和动态QFD (Quality Function Deployment) 等技术解决了客户需求的工程转化问题,并获取了对产品族的规划,功能模块化、部件标准化具有重要指导意义的参数。研究内容包括: ● 研究了客户群体需求倾向的建模过程和量化过程;运用联合分析法,将模糊的客户群体需求倾向转化为量化的属性重要度和水平效应值。 ● 研究了面向MC的目标市场的细分过程;结合设计需求,定义了面向MC的目标市场;运用两次聚类的方法,完成对目标市场的细分和获取目标市场的水平效应分布情况。 ● 研究了客户群体需求倾向的工程技术特征化过程。运用动态QFD技术和协同技术,构建HoQ (House of Quality) 链,实现了客户需求从需求域到功能域到物理域的信息传递和转化过程。获取了实体部件的代变异指标以及功能模块和实体部件的关联指标。 本文最后针对以冰箱为代表的结构相对简单,功能模块划分清晰的家电产品,运用Java技术,开发了协同式产品规划和决策支持系统,成功解决客户群体需求倾向的量化和工程技术特征化问题,获取了冰箱的压缩机具有最高的标准化需求,冰箱的压缩功能具有最高的模块化需求这一关键的设计信息,为企业的产品族规划提供重要的参考素材。

【Abstract】 The key thought of MC(Mass Customization) is to fulfill the personal market requirement at the efficiency and cost of Mass Manufacturing. Rational layout of PF(Product Family) is the basis of MC. There is a new research field to study how to instruct the layout of PF by the market requirement where it is essential to transform the fuzzy market requirement belonged to the vision of customers into the numeric and design-faced indexes which present Engineer Characteristics. This paper Structured the Model of TOCGR (Tendency of Customer Group’ Requirement) to accomplish the process of transforming. It utilized the Conjoint Analysis, Cluster and dynamic QFD(Quality Function Deployment) to achieve the process of the engineer-transformed and get those indexes and their taxis which are important to the layout of PF which includes:Studying the modeling process and the numerical process of TOCGR, applied Conjoint Analysis to transforming the fuzzy requirements of customer group into numerical parameters including in the importance of attributes and the values of utilities of different levels of the TOCGR.Studying the subdivision of the market. According of the requirement of development of product, defined the object market faced to MC, employed the two-phase cluster in segmenting of market and get the distribution of utilities.Studying the process transforming the result set of numerical parameters into Engineering Characteristics. Constructed the HoQ(House of Quality) chain combined the dynamic of QFD, succeeded in the transferring process of info from the view of market requirement to the functional view and to the Physics view. Obtained the GVI(Generation Variety Index) of parts and the CI of parts and functional moduleAt last, researched and developed the CPDDS(collaborative product-scheming and Decision-supporting) system which made the refrigeratory as the object of the Case whose structure is simple and function modules are independent, succeeded in transforming the fuzzy requirements of Customers into the Engineering Characteristics and acquired the significant knowledge that the compressor of refrigeratory needstandardization most and the compress module needs modularization most, which provided reference info for the layout of PF of refrigeratory.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】187

