

The Influence of Individual Socialization Psychology Accumulation on High Schools Compositions Teaching

【作者】 林东亮

【导师】 赖施娟;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 当前中学作文教学普遍存在着两大困惑:一是多数学生作文时感到无话可说;二是学生作文存在“空、呆、硬、假”的积弊。本文通过对困惑形成原因的分析,希望能揭示出隐藏在现象内部的社会心理原因,为中学作文教改寻找新的突破点。本文采用比较分析和文献整理的研究方法,借助新兴的边缘学科社会心理学的理论,以阐释社会文化的诸多因素是如何制约、影响中学作文教学的。本文的主要内容如下: 一、社会接触面不广,自然感知失衡,阅读量不足,造成学生认知存量的匮乏,社会、家庭、学校对学生个体能动选择性思维能力养成的普遍漠视,是导致学生作文时无话可说的重要原因。二、探索中学作文教学积弊的历史形成,我们发现,传统社会化心理与当前社会多元文明精神存在着冲突,教师导向严重束缚了学生主体性的充分发挥,落后的教学思维与方法,导致作文教学不能实现可持续发展的良性循环。三、对写作行为内在机制进行再思考,在“三重转化”理论的基础上,提出了非线性“三重选择”说,以期树立选择性思维能力重要地位。四、阐述了在多元思维的时代,应如何认识作文教学的“主体”涵义,相应提出了对作文教改的体会与建议。

【Abstract】 Currently there exist two common perplexities with compositions teaching in high schools: one is that, when writing compositions, a great number of students feel that they do not have enough materials; the other is that the students’ compositions have been "inane, dull, incondite, pretense" for a long time. With the expectancy to unveil the social mentality hidden behind the phenomenon, the paper analyzes the causes of perplexities, in order to reach a breakthrough for teaching compositions in high schools. The methodologies of comparative analysis and literature review are employed in the paper. By dint of social psychology theory, which is arising brink knowledge, this paper expounds how various social culture diatheses restrict and influence the instruction of compositions in high schools. The main findings of the paper are as follows:Firstly, a lack of community interaction and natural sense, aggravated by limited reading, results in illiberal storage of perception with students. A disregard of students’ personal initiatives for selective thinking by communities, families and schools is an important cause of insufficient material for writing compositions suffered by students. Secondly, after studying the malady existing in the history of teaching compositions in high schools, we discover that, conflicts exist between traditional social mentality and current polycentric civilization. We also discover that students’ initiatives have been significantly discouraged by teachers. All of the above, added by outdated teaching rationales and methods, have made it impossible for a sustainable development in the instruction of compositions at high schools. Thirdly, with a review of the inwardness for writing compositions, and based on the "thrice transform" theory, the paper puts forward the supposition of nonlinear "thrice selectivity", with a view to establish the importance of selective thinking ability. Lastly, this paper expounds how to understand the connotation of "main body" in teaching compositions, and accordingly proposes suggestions for reforming the instruction of compositions.

  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】421

