

Some Ideas on Developing the Students’ Creative Thoughts in Mathematics

【作者】 李建华

【导师】 陈清华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪的教育要解决的最重要的问题就是如何培养和造就大批具备高创造力的人才,这就要求我们的教育必须把培养学生创造性思维放在第一位,使得每一个受过教育的学生都能够自己发现问题,解决问题,做出科学决策,进行有所创新的工作。培养学生创造性思维已成为教育界关注的热点问题之一。 本文就如何培养学生创造性思维这一问题来谈谈自己在教学中是怎样做的。首先,探究数学创造性思维的特征从五个方面着手,结合实例加以说明。其次,就培养数学创造性思维的途径,提出八点建议,例如:鼓励进行数学推广,数学猜想,数学反驳,数学想像等等。再次,阐述自己在实际教学中是如何通过七个方面来操作的。例如:加强开放性试题的设置,让学生参与改题,适当布置课题作业,加强数学建模的训练,培养研究性学习的习惯,加强发散思维能力的训练等等。最后,指出教师的职责已经不在是单一的传授知识,而应是综合型的。 总之,通过这一系列的探讨,要培养学生创造性思维,必须从教师和学生两方面入手,缺一不可,教师要为学生创造条件,学生要有主动意识,师生共同合作,才能奏效。

【Abstract】 One important topic about education is how to cultivate talents who have powerful creativity in 21 century. Corresponding to that, first thing we should do in our school education is how to improve our students’ creativity ability, we should actuate their ability in finding problem, solving problem and making scientific decision. Now, how to cultivate students’ creativity is one key problem in education circles.This essay shows what author done in cultivating students’ creativity. First, five aspects are shown in searching the characteristic of creativity in mathematics, being explained with example. Then, eight pieces suggestions are given in how to cultivate creativity in mathematics, such as encouraging in mathematical spread, mathematical conjecture, mathematical argument, mathematical image, etc. Seven points about how to do it in practice education are expatiated which based on author’s experience, such as setup of open questions, students’ participation in making a correction answer, suitable schoolwork, training in construction of mathematical model, cultivating habit of researching, training the radiate ideation, etc. At last, it points out that a teacher should not pass on one-sided knowledge to students but many-sided.Anyway, from series discuss, we know in order to cultivate creativity of students, both student and teacher must make an effort, teacher create environment for student and student must have active consciousness. Cooperation between teacher and student can get the work done well.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】664

