

【作者】 李玉芳

【导师】 夏冠群; 孙晓玮;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(上海微系统与信息技术研究所) , 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着毫米波雷达技术的日益成熟和人们对安全性的迫切需要,近年来,防撞雷达系统得到了深入研究和广泛应用,如自动巡航控制、碰撞报警和防碰撞系统以及有待发展的雷达成像和汽车的自动驾驶系统等。中频和数字处理是防撞雷达系统不可或缺的重要组成部分。本文重点讨论了毫米波防撞雷达系统的中频电路及其改进、基于脉冲计数新方法的处理机和自适应信号处理等的研究工作,主要研究内容摘要如下: 1简要介绍了防撞雷达系统的发展历史,总结了雷达信号处理的发展和数字信号处理技术在雷达系统中的应用及其实现方法。 2简单介绍了FMCW毫米波雷达系统,包括它的测速、测距原理,基本组成与结构和其主要的性能指标,并简单介绍了已研制的SAE-100型毫米波防撞雷达系统和工业用FMCW毫米波避碰雷达系统及防撞雷达的应用。 3详细讨论了FMCW毫米波雷达系统的中频电路实现。内容涉及:中频电路的基本原理及指标,前置放大电路的噪声性能对整个系统性能的影响,接收机的主要组成部分(前置放大电路、AGC放大电路)的基本原理、实现方法、测试结果及分析和VCO的调制信号产生电路的实现及测试结果。与前端联调结果表明该部分电路性能良好。 整个接收机中频放大倍数为25000倍,88dB。中频输出信号幅度控制在1V左右,符合后继信号处理部分的要求。在版图设计、器件选择、布线和调试过程中注意其电路的稳定性,很好的避免了高增益放大电路常有的自激现象。讨论了前置放大器的噪声性能对整个系统噪声性能的影响,为电路的结构设计和器件的选择提供了理论依据。 雷达系统对三角波(VCO的调制信号)的稳定性和线性度要求较高,在方案选择上采用晶体稳频多谐振荡器保证其稳定性。指出了其设计和调试中的关键所在。产生的三角波稳定性和线性度很好,线性度<1%,且三角波幅度和直流电平独立可调。 4根据实测结果,深入研究了FMCW毫米波雷达中三角波泄漏的问题。根据FMCW毫米波雷达基本工作原理、雷达基本方程,雷达前端结构等,进行了理论推导和仿真,指出了三角波泄漏的根源:由于VCO的非理想性,在调频的同时存在着寄生调幅,这时的发射信号不是纯粹的调频波,而是调幅调频波。山于泄漏三角波的存在,使得整个雷达系统的性能大大降低,探测距离显著下降,并使仍P处理部分在某些情况下不能正常工作,误判几率较大。通过对泄漏三角波的研究,给出了几种有效的解决方法,这对FMCW毫米波雷达系统的设计和其性能的提高,具有较好的参考价值。 5进一步探讨了FMCW毫米波雷达系统接收机中频电路的改进方法,以提高电路性能,降低成本,减小实现的复杂度。本文从改进接收机中频电路入手,针对发射机泄漏信号对系统性能的影响和中频电路结构的复杂性,探讨了频率域动态压缩方法,它可以有效地抑制泄漏三角波强于扰信号,在一定条件下,可替代AGC电路,简化系统结构。压缩网络的带宽为IMHZ,压缩动怂范围为80dB。并给出了具体实现方法和结果。 6针对FMCW毫米波雷达本身的特点和要求,深人研究了FMCW毫米波雷达系统的自适应信号处理技术。讨论了利用自适应滤波器消除泄漏三角波的方法和改善中频输出波形的系统自适应滤波技术。仿真结果表明,文中所述自适应滤波方法可以有效消除泄漏三角波强干扰信号:提高接收机的灵敏度、增大中频输出信号噪声抑制比、改善中频输出波形,具有很好的滤波效果。为系统性能的改善奠定了理论基础,具有较好的实用参考价值。 在采用自适应滤波器消除泄漏三角波的研究中,重点讨论了利用自适应噪声对消器消除泄漏三角波。结果说明采用自适应滤波器的方法可以达到很好的滤除泄漏三角波的效果。是消除泄漏三角波强干扰信号的较理想方法。 在系统的自适应信号处理研究中,系统实现采用称为自调谐滤波器的自适应对消器,结果表明,在自适应过程结束后,利用该方案可以得到和原始携带信息的理想干弦波十分近似的正弦波输出,其误差是一个具有很小振幅的随机过程,具有很好的滤波效果。 7重点研究了基于脉冲计数新方法的雷达处理机的实现,深入研究了可以有效改善处理机性能的自适应检波电路。脉冲计数新方法能够成功克服DSP处理机的成本高、实现复杂、稳定性不够等一系列不足,实现方便,结构简单,重复性和移植性好,而成本相对于DSP大大降低,适合实际应用和生产。自适应检波电路可以有效抑制各种干扰,提高处理机的测距精度。在射频前端性能较差的情况且I 下,它能有效改善处理机性能。 从系统联调的测试结果可以看出,利用自适应检波电路,可以大大改善基于 _脉冲计数新方法的雷达信号处理机的性能,使得雷达系统的测距精度大大提高。_ ,相对采用固定门限的处理机,其测距误差改进可达 100倍以上。-在本部分论文的研究过程中申请发明专利两项,实用新型专利一项。目前, -采用自适应检波电路的处理机己经在工业用避碰雷达中获得应用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of the millimeter-wave radar technology and the demand of the safety, anticollision radar system is being studied and used widely. The IF(intermediate frequency) circuit and the digital signal processing are two important parts of it. In this paper, the IF circuit, the processor based on the pulse count technology and the adaptive signal processing of the system are discussed thoroughly. Major contents are abstracted as follows:1 The evolved .history of the anticollision radar system is given curtly. The development of the signal processing of the radar and the application of the digital signal processing technology to the radar system is summarized.2 The FMCW millimeter-wave radar system is introduced. The basic parts of the system and its work principle, as well as the index of it, are discussed in detail. The SAE-100 millimeter-wave anticollision radar system and the anticollision radar used in the industry are also introduced curtly.3 The realization of the IF circuit of the FMCW millimeter-wave radar is discussed thoroughly. The major contents of this part is composed of the basic principle of the IF circuit, the affection of the noise performance of the preamplifier to the whole system, the main constitutes of the receiver and their test results and the modulation circuit of the VCO, etc. The test result shows that the performance of these circuits is fairly good.4 The leaked triangular wave of FMCW millimeter-wave radar has been analyzed. Transmitter signal leak of the FMCW radar system is a serious problem that puzzles people for a long time. According to its influence on the whole system based on the experiment, theory analysis is given to verify the reason of it’s coming, and. Several methods to restrain the leaked signal are also given. It is a good reference for the FMCW millimeter-wave radar system design.5 In order to improve the system performances and simplify the IF circuit, a new scheme is given, which based on the frequency domain dynamic compression method. It can restrain the strong interference signal-leaked triangular wave and is able tosubstitute the AGC to some extent. The realization and the result of it are also given.6 Another important part of this paper is the adaptive signal processing of the FMCW millimeter-wave radar system. The adaptive signal processing technology is a rising science embranchment, which composed with many subjects and fields. In this paper, application of the adaptive filter to elimination of the leaked triangular wave and the adaptive signal processing of the FMCW millimeter-wave radar system is studied thoroughly. The use of an adaptive filter offers an attractive solution to the problem as it usually provides a significant improvement in performance over the use of the conventional methods.7 In order to improvement the performance of the whole system and reduce the cost, a new signal processor is given, which based on the new pulse count method brought forward by the author. An adaptive demodulation circuit is also given to reduce the affection of the noise, the interference and the instability of the signal.

  • 【分类号】TN957
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1522

