

【作者】 张迪

【导师】 叶小兵;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国中学综合文科课程改革,已由最初的小范围试验阶段进入到全国范围内的推广阶段。但是,就我国中学文科教师的现状来看,无论在专业知识构成上,还是在专业技能实践上,都与综合文科课程的教学要求有一定差距。因此,在现阶段对我国综合文科教师专业素质的养成问题进行深入的探讨是十分必要的。本文以教育学和综合课程的基本理论为依据,并结合实际调查结果,在剖析当前中学文科教师的不足以及形成这些不足的原因基础上,对中学综合文科教师应该具备怎样的专业素质、如何获得这些专业素质以及高等师范院校如何改变现有对文科学生的培养模式来适应综合文科课程改革等问题,进行了较为全面的探讨。 本文共分四个部分:(一)课程改革与综合文科课程的设置。此部分简单介绍了国内外专家对有关综合课程的含义及由来的一些基本观点,进而详细阐述了综合文科课程的概念和其现实意义,并对我国现阶段综合文科课程设置的模式进行了归纳综合;(二)根据当前综合课程对教师素质的新要求,分析综合课程教师的专业素质构成,并在此基础上,结合综合文科的特点,进一步探讨综合文科课程教师应具备的专业素质;(三)中学文科教师专业素质现状。在整理文献和访谈资料的基础上,对现有中学文科教师的专业素质状况做了简要分析,指出当前的中学文科教师在教育信念、知识结构、教学能力、人文素养等方面还存在一些不足,并对这些不足存在的原因做了剖析和探讨;(四)中学综合文科教师培养模式的改革。针对当前中学文科教师存在的问题,提出了改革的方案:第一,改革我国现有高等师范院校文科生的培养模式,建立多层次、多样化、高质量的师资培养体系;第二,改革我国高师院校文科课程的设置模式;第三,改变传统的教师培养理念,实现真正的教师教育一体化。

【Abstract】 At present, the reforming of the curriculum in middle school has been from the experiment stage in a narrow range to the popularization stage in the limits of the whole country. However, in the light of present situation of Liberal Arts teachers in our country, they can’t adapt to the new requirements of the Comprehensive Liberal Arts neither on knowledge construction nor on professional skills. Therefor, it is very necessary to delve further into the problem of the Comprehensive Liberal Arts teachers’ professional characters. Through the practical inquiry, this dissertation, which is on the basis of the theory about pedagogy and curriculum, will discuss more deeply and comprehensively into the problems as follows, what characters should the Comprehensive Liberal Arts teachers have, how can they get these professional characters as well as how does the Normal University change the current fostering model for the Liberal Arts students.The dissertation consists of four parts. Part I states the curriculum reform and the Comprehensive Liberal Arts courses offered in middle school. Part , upon the new requirements of Comprehensive Liberal Arts, the article advances the professional characters that the teachers should have, which includes favorable humanistic quality, rich professional knowledge and open knowledge construction, fairly good teaching skills, firm educational belief, good physical and psychological quality. Part analyzes the Liberal Arts teachers’ present situation in middle school and points out the reason why the Liberal Arts teachers have the lack of professional characters in detail. Part IV advances to reform the fostering model of current Normal University, the reform plan is as follows, firstly, the Normal University should change the fostering model for Liberal Arts students and establish a multiple levels and high quality teachers troop, secondly, the Normal University should reform the present Liberal Arts courses, finally, the Normal University should convert the teaching and fostering ideas, thus it will realize that the teacher education in different stage can be united.Overall, although there is much and unexpected difficulty in the course of reforming, the Normal University and the teachers who are teaching the Liberal Arts courses should conquer the difficulty, in this way, the elementary education of our country can be improved step by step.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】202

