

【作者】 徐璐

【导师】 杜晓十;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 音乐学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪美国作曲家塞缪尔·巴伯出版的全部钢琴独奏作品包括《旅途》Op.20(1944)、《钢琴奏鸣曲》Op.26(1949)、《纪念小品》Op.28(1952)、《夜曲——献给约翰·菲尔德》Op.33(1957)和《叙事曲》Op.46(1977)五部作品。它们属于塞缪尔·巴伯中后期作品,其中《旅途》和《纪念小品》为组曲体裁,《钢琴奏鸣曲》为奏鸣套曲体裁,《夜曲——献给约翰·菲尔德》和《叙事曲》是单乐章作品。从1944年至1977年,五部钢琴作品的创作跨越了整整34年,基本展现出巴伯创作成熟期的风格和技法特征。 论文共分四章。第一章通过对巴伯创作生平及不同时期主要代表作品的介绍,力图说明巴伯在风云变换的当代音乐发展中独树一帜的地位,特别是钢琴作品与其全部音乐创作之间的紧密联系和独特价值;第二章从作曲技术角度对五部钢琴作品逐一进行了较为详尽的分析,从个例的解剖与研究中挖掘出作曲家创作风格的共性特质;第三章分别从音乐呈示与衍展的内核——主题;音乐结构逻辑的组织形态——和声;音乐多层流动的拓展形式——对位技术;作品整体结构的逻辑框架——曲式结构;以及巴伯音乐语言陈述结构的典型表现——模进结构等五个方面,就创作的几大要素:主题、和声、对位、调式调性、织体、曲式结构等做了更深入的提炼与升华;第四章在二、三两章研究的基础之上,将巴伯的创作风格放在20世纪世界音乐风格潮流发展的大背景之中进行对比与参照,对巴伯创作技法与风格做出结论性的评价。 在“遗忘音乐”~1一统天下的二十世纪中期,被称为“保守型”的塞缪尔·巴伯的“记忆音乐”~2却成为七十年代以后“后现代主义音乐”的“先知”,他的作品重新成为研究二十世纪中后期音乐风格以及启迪今后音乐创作的范例之一,他的“唯美”风格在音乐探索的道路上已经成为一个承上启下的枢纽点。

【Abstract】 American composer in the 20th century, Samuel Barber, published his five piano solo works including Excursions OP.20 (1944) , Piano Sonata OP.26 (1949) ,Souvenirs OP.28 (1952) , Nocturne-Homage to John Field OP.33 (1957) andBallade OP.46 (1977) . All of these belong to his works after his middle age. And among them, Excursions and Souvenirs made use of suite form, Piano Sonataemployed Sonata Divertimento form; while Nocturne-Homage to John Field andBallade are mono-movement ones. Such works were written from 1944 to 1977, and represented Barber’s style and technique character in his mature period of his creative works.This paper consists of four chapters. Chapter One introduces Barber’s compositional life and his representative works of different periods, and indicates his important position in modem music development as well as the particular function and research value of his piano pieces.Chapter Two analyzes and studies the five works from the perspective of composition techniques in detail.Form the angle of Theme, one of the basic representative techniques of music, Harmony, one of the basic presentational method and development of music, Counterpoint technique, one of the important skills for the further development of music; Form, the logical manner of the structure of musical works, and Modulation Structure, the special technique for the expressive structure of musical language, Chapter Three makes a thorough summary on the essential factors of composition: Theme, Harmony, Counterpoint, Mode and Key, Texture and Form Structure.On the basis of the above chapters, the last chapter puts Barber’s style into the background of the development of the 20th century’s world musical style. And after comparing and contrasting them, the writer makes a conclusive evaluation towards Barber’s creation techniques and style.

  • 【分类号】J657
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】480

