

On Some Matters of the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

【作者】 袁安英

【导师】 尹东年;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 国际法, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要讨论在海上货物运输合同中的一些问题。这些问题包括不同价格条件下,买卖双方有关运输的义务;货物交付与提单;货物所有权转移对货物留置权的影响,买卖双方的诉权等等。本论文分为四章。 第一章买卖合同条款中关于运输的问题。在该章中,首先说明了国际货物买卖合同中FOB条款下涉及的装船费用和CIF条款下的卸船费用,问题的说明主要为接下来论述运输合同与买卖合同中有关问题的衔接作铺垫。本章的第三部分阐述了买卖合同对托运人的认定的影响,托运人的认定是一个重要而困难的问题,法律规定的不足与缺陷给实践带来麻烦和争议,问题的解决需要《海商法》的修订。 第二章货物交付与提单问题。提单在货物的交付过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。提单的正常流转影响着运输合同和买卖合同的合理及时履行。但实践中存在的无单放货、预借倒签提单等问题影响提单功能的正常发挥,原因很多,法律规定不完善是一个方面。本章主要对提单与货物紧密联系的几个问题进行探讨,提出一些个人的解决思路,仅供参考。 第三章货物所有权转移对货物留置权的影响。在运输合同的履行过程中,留置权是承运人在运输合同下享有的重要权利。本章分为留置权对留置物所有人的影响、行使留置权应具备的条件、留置权的法律效力、留置权如何行使、留置权的消灭等几个方面来阐述。 第四章买卖合同和运输合同当事人的诉权。延迟交货和货物灭失损坏是运输合同和买卖合同各方容易产生争议的问题。货物灭失损坏、延迟交付的产生原因很多,承运人对货物的灭失损坏及延迟交付所造成的损失是否应承担责任,本章对这些问题作了一定的阐述和分析。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the discussion of some problems relating to contract of carriage of goods By sea. These problems are seller and buyer obligations relating to transportation under different trade terms, delivery of goods and Bills of Lading, influence on lien on goods by the transference of title to goods, buyer and seller procedural right, etc. This thesis falls into four chapters.Chapters 1 Issues in the items of International contracts of sale of goods. In this chapter, the author first illustrate the loading cost under the term of FOB and discharging cost under the term GIF in the international contract of sale of goods, which is aimed at making a farther discussion on the related problems in Contracts of transportation and contracts of sale of goods. Contracts of sale of goods’ influences on the identification of shipper are expounded in the third part of this chapter. Identification of shippers is an important and difficult problem. Because the incompleteness and drawback of law make practice troublesome and disputable .Solving the problem makes the revision of Maritime Code of China necessary.Chapter 2 Issues on delivery of goods and Bill of Lading. B/L plays a very important role in the process of delivery of goods .Normal circulation of B/L has a positive influence on the proper and prompt fulfillment of contracts of transportation and contracts of sale of goods .In practice, there exist such problems as delivery goods without B/L, advanced B/L and anti-date B/L, which hinder the proper functioning of B/L. There are many reasons, including the incompleteness of law. This chapter is aimed at discussing several problems closely related toB/L and goods in order to put forward some personal solutions for reference only.Chapter 3 Influence on lien on goods by the transference of title to goods. In the process of fulfilling transportation contract, lien is carriers’ important right under transportation. This chapter consists of lien influence on owners of lien goods, essential requirements for exercising lien, legal validity of lien, how to exercise the lien ,the elimination of lien etc.Chapter 4 The procedural rights of parties to sales contract and transportation contract. Delay in delivery of goods, loss and damage of goods are likely to trigger disputations among parties to transportation contract and sales contract. There are many reasons which will cause the loss and damage of goods and delay in delivery of goods. In this chapter ,such issues as whether carriers are liable for the losses caused by the loss and damage of goods, by delay in delivery of goods, are given certain explanation and analysis.

  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】201

