

【作者】 邹建平

【导师】 林国龙;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 企业管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着通信科技的发展及网络的兴起,给企业带来了前所未有的冲击。无论是生产技术的流程改造、产品的创新发展,或是经营观念的全新理念,无不受到此潮流的冲击。随着企业思维方式的逐步改变,对客户的获取也从早期的区域限制发展到如今的全球领域。同时,网络意识形态对客户忠诚度产生着巨大的影响,也使得企业对于顾客关系的重视达到了前所未有的高度。如何能确切了解客户需求,从而获取对于客户及企业皆有利的价值、策略与机制,这已成为当今企业不可不追随的时代潮流。从有效的获取客户、进行销售,到售后客户忠诚度与满意度的维持,均成为当今企业在日益竞争的市场中取胜的关键。而当前物流领域存在的问题不仅仅是硬件设施的开发与应用,另一方面也在于企业缺乏开放的物流服务想象力即服务意识缺位,主要表现在服务的被动性、波动性、短期性以及缺乏长期战略这样几个方面。如何提高物流企业的服务水平,培养企业开放的物流服务想象力,确立主动的服务意识,正是物流企业寻求长期发展应当解决的问题。本论文的目的正是试图从客户关系管理的理论着手,构筑起一个完整的CRM理论架构,再在此基础上将其导入第三方物流服务加以分析,试图从中发现第三方物流企业应用客户关系管理的可能性。在实例分析中,找到一些具有代表意义的物流企业加以分析以求更好的阐述CRM在物流业的适用可能。 全文共分五章,第一章主要就客户关系管理的起源、定义等基础问题进行了初步探讨,从而使话题得到展开。第二章则通过客户开发、客户关系增进与客户维持三个主要的思维面出发,以顾客为中心,在实际运作中将其具体化,通过不同的管理功能,完成整合性的客户关系管理架构,区分为客户开发,客户购买,客户服务以及客户分析四个部分,建立一个循环性的客户关系流程。第三章则在前面的理论架构上,针对第三方物流服务的特点,就当前热门的物流营销话题展开,将CRM理论在第三方物流服务的应用加以剖析,并穿插了部分实例。第四章的实例分析部分,就宝供物流以及中远国货两家较有典型意义的第三方物流企业当前的客户管理展开分析,找出其某些方面在CRM理论的应用上做的较好之处,以为其它业者借鉴。第五章的结论与建议部份则针对前几章的阐述做一总结,找出其中的新颖之处及不足点,以使后来的研究者可以进行更深一步的探讨与研究。 最后,因本文作者水平有限,缺乏相关的实际工作经验,文中的某些观点势必有失偏颇,理论也必然存在诸多不足,实例部分由于材料的匮乏,分析及研究不一 第三方物流服务中日入客户关系前理h}f大定很具体和有针对性,恳请本领域内外的一专家、教授、学者批评指正。作者在此表示深深的谢意!

【Abstract】 In the recent years, accompanying with the development of the Information Technology and Internet communications, they have brought a very big impact to many Enterprises. People’s attitudes toward ERP of manufacturing, innovation of new products and managing style etc, mostly have been influenced by this tendency. The business area of Enterprises is growing larger, in accordance with this growing, the acquiring of customers is getting globalize. And also considering the great influence that Internet has made on the customer’s loyalty, many enterprises have put much more concentration on customer relationships, which they had never done before. It has become the must for enterprises to understand what the customer needs and obtain favorable value, strategy. In logistics area, what we lack is not only the development of hardware, but also conceives of open mind logistic services. It has become big topic for the enterprise of how to bring up their standard of logistic service. By doing this research, we are trying to have a thorough analyzing of the CRM ideas which presented by many parties, and build up a frame of CRM theory for easy understanding. On the basis of that, we will put this frame into third logistic company to verify and analyze to see if this theory is workable in this field. And also there are some real cases which will make the explanation more understandable.The whole dissertation has been divided into five Chapters. In the first Chapter, there are just some basic discussions about the origin and definitions of Customer Relationship Management so as to start the topic. In the second Chapter, started from three points such as customer acquiring, customer relationship improving and customer maintaining, a circulated frame of CRM theory has been built up, which including customer development, customer purchasing, customer service and customer analyses. In the third Chapter, on the basis of CRM theory discussed in Chapter 2, and according to the specialty of third party logistics field, we started from the logistics marketing which quite pop at present time, put the CRM theory into this TPL field to verify it and analyze it. Inthe fourth Chapter, we had some real cases such as the customer development of Pg-logistics Company and COSCO international freight company, tried to analyze what they have done good in applying CRM theory so that others could learn from them. In the Chapter five, some conclusions have been made according to the discussions in the four previous Chapters. We tried to discover what have been improved through this research and what the papers are lack of, so the new comers could do something more about this topic.The author of this paper, by all his efforts, aims to provide a theoretical foundation for the rational management of third party logistics, the development of relative software and a framework for systematic design. His viewpoints cannot be free from inadequacy, partiality or one-sidedness due to his limited understanding of the subject and lack of actual experience from work. The author stands ready for and would deeply appreciate any well-meaning criticism or advice from the experts, professors or scholars majoring in this field or not.ZouJianping(Enterprise Management) Directed by vice pro. Lin Guolong

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】769

