

【作者】 曹志伟

【导师】 刘文白;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 港口经营者遇到的一个普遍问题就是:船公司为了降低成本,要求港口在船舶大型化发展的同时或超前提高接卸大型集装箱船舶能力,减少大型船舶在港停留时间,提高船舶装卸船时量。 上述课题不仅涉及港口航道和码头前沿水深、码头前沿机械设备数量和性能、装卸工艺和效率,还牵涉到与集装箱码头相匹配的集疏运条件、多式联运组织管理和港口的政策环境等诸多问题。 本论文从集装箱船和港口的发展历史、现状和发展趋势着手,详细阐述了船舶大型化后港口所面临的问题,且将问题的焦点集中于如何改变传统的集装箱码头作业模式,提高集装箱装卸效率这一重要因素上来。围绕着这一问题从码头应当具备的硬件和软件两个方面出发,提出了适合集装箱船舶大型化的码头TPS集卡调度系统的作业模式。 对于某一码头而言硬件设施的配备最大额是有一定限制的,硬件设施的配置在某一范围之外与取得的实际效益是不成比例的,但在这一个传统行业内引入计算机管理这一现代科技成果后,码头的装卸过程发生了翻天覆地的变化,效益也取得了大幅度上升,尤其是集卡调度系统(TPS)使得集装箱的装卸效率有了质的飞跃。 本文详细分析了TPS集卡调度系统的工作原理,系统框架方案和实际应用模式,详细分析了码头采用TPS集卡调度系统前后集卡的配备数量的差异和工作模式的变化,对码头采用TPS集卡调度系统后集卡的实际运行效果作了实地测量,分析了由此而给集装箱码头工作效率带来的实质性影响,尤其是集装箱装卸效率的改变和装卸过程的自动化程度。同时,根据各个码头的实际情况指出了TPS集卡调度系统在港口运营过程中仍然存在的若干问题,针对这些问题提出了自动调度规则的两个优化原则方案和三个实现方案,进行了很为深入的研究,提出了既有理论意义、又有实用价值的具体实施方案。这几种方案于2002年7月在外高桥二期码头的实际营运中予以实施,取得了很好的实际效果。 论文的选题和对TPS集卡调度系统的研究,是在实际管理工作当中进行的,根据作者多年的集装箱码头管理经验,结合现代科技技术在实践中的应用,对研究工作的初步结论进行了积极主动的检验和改进,最后取得了比较完善的成果。在研究工作中,没有采用繁琐的理论计算和推导过程,这种学习与研究方式对科学工作者和实践者,都有很好的参考价值。

【Abstract】 In the study of the port, one of the very important and common problem is the improvement on the ability to load the container on the ship and discharge the container from the ship and the operating efficiency and reducing the settling time in the port accompany with the increasing tonnage of the ship,,The port sea-route, the for-dock depth, the amount and performance of the for-dock machine, the process and efficiency of loading and discharging, as well as the ingathering and outputting system, multi-transportation management and the policy of the port etc. all have the prodigious influence on the project.The paper firstly dwells on the problem rising from the upsizing container ship and focuses on how to change the traditional operating mode and enhance the operating efficiency of the port after studying on the history, the current situation and the trend of container ship and the port. The paper also analyzes the hardware and software that a port should be equipped to put the TPS into use.To a port, the quantity of equipment is limited and sometimes the extra equipment cannot gain the relevant benefit. However, after introducing computer system to the traditional industry, great changes have been taken place and both the operating efficiency and economic profit is increasing a lot. The application of the tractor paging system has greatly changed the operating mode of the loading and discharging of the container.The paper analyze the principle, the system structure and the applying mode of the TPS and the difference of the amount of the furniture and the ways of working after using TPS. The author validated actually the result of the TPS applying to the port to prove the function of the system. The paper expatiates the great change of the container port especially on the automatization degree and the efficiency of the loading and discharging process. The paper also points out the vice of the TPS during applying to the port according to the actual status and brings forward two optimizing principia and three realizing schemes on the auto paging rules and deeply evaluates the project. The principia have achieved preliminary success inHIWaiGaoQiao Container Terminal from July, 2002.The study on the TPS is carrying through the actual working process. The author actively validates and ameliorates the modern technology resorting on the rich working experience on the dock and avoids the complex process of theory deducing and calculating. The way of study also has reference value to other researchist.

  • 【分类号】U693
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】450

