

【作者】 梁会锋

【导师】 黄学武; ??;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机仿真技术涉及计算机及网络通信技术、图形图像技术、多媒体、软件工程、信息处理、自动控制等多个高新技术领域。随着这些领域不断取得新的进展,系统仿真技术日益向纵深发展,应用领域也迅速扩大。轮机模拟器是航海教育界对船舶机舱仿真培训系统的通称。它是一种用于培训船舶机舱管理级、操作级船员的现代化航海教育和培训设施。我院成功研制的“SMSC-2000轮机模拟器”,于1999年4月通过了交通部验收,1999年12月通过了科技成果鉴定,2001年获上海市科技进步二等奖,其教学实践功能完全达到了国际海事组织颁布的STCW78/95公约要求以及国家海事局颁布的海船船员适任证书考试和评估大纲的要求,其开发技术及成果达到了九十年代中期国际先进水平。 科技进步毫无停顿,落后即意味着淘汰。从目前的技术发展来看,最初的SMSC-2000轮机模拟器开发技术已有一些不足之处,一部分需要更新,部分系统功能也需要添加和完善。本文的研究课题—正是在这一背景下进行的,其主要目的是根据仿真技术发展的新特点和趋势,探索并实现有关仿真系统开发的新方法,使轮机模拟器系统开发技术更趋完善。同时本课题也是属于作为交通部重点实验室之一的上海海运学院航运仿真中心的实验室建设项目——“多模式机舱综合仿真系统”。众所周之,船舶主机气动操作仿真系统是主机控制系统中的一个重要的组成部分,如未能正确熟练地对其进行操作或及时地排除相关故障将直接影响到船舶的运行安全。为了加强船员在此方面的培训,我们在现有轮机模拟器的基础上研制了船舶主机气动操作实时仿真系统。 本文围绕此课题主要完成以下内容:在对MAN B&W主机气动装置原理分析基础上,运用计算机多媒体技术,实现船舶主机气动控制系统的实时、在线、动态仿真。针对主机的起动、停车、换向三种操作工况,依据气路逻辑关系动态地描述了控制气路的流向。同时,在PID控制模型基础上,建立了电子调速器的仿真数学模型,提出了应用模糊控制理论来优化船舶主机的速度调节系统的思想。 本文的主要组织框架为:首先大概介绍了MAN B&W主机控制系统结构,具体分析了阻W气动控制装置结构组成和逻辑关系以及DGS-8800电子调速装置硬件结构组成和调速原理。接着在第三章将主要介绍自行研制的“船舶主机气动操作实时仿真系统”的结构组成和功能;着重强调其所具有的实时在线仿真特点。即本系统采用工控机来完成对外部设备的动态数据采集和实时控制仿真,由船舶模拟主机气动控制屏和系统软件界面提供给用户生动友好的人机接口。第四章将介绍应用于工业控制和仿真系统的模糊控制理论,进行船舶主机调速系统的优化工作。在最后一章,尝试将基于Web的系统开发技术应用于气动操作仿真系统并实现了一个在Windows操作系统上基于Web的一体化仿真支撑系统。 总之,该课题采用了先进的仿真技术、计算机及网络技术、智能控制技术,既开发出符合公约要求、技术先进、又能满足用户特殊要求的仿真系统产品,反映了当代自动化船舶的方向,对提高我们的科研水平,以及推广应用将有很好的社会效应与经济效益。目前,此气动操作仿真系统产品己成功地应用于浙江交通职业技术学院和上海远洋教育培训中心。

【Abstract】 The simulation technology is concerned with the new and high technology fields such as computer science, internet & communication, figure & picture, multimedia, software engineering, information processing, automatic control and so on. With the advanced development in these fields, system simulation technology has developed further and has been applied in more and more situations. Marine Engine Room Simulator is a kind of novel simulation system in the purpose of educating and training the marine engineers in charge of administration and operation. Our university has successfully developed SMSC-2000 Marine Engine Room Simulator. It was inspected and accepted by the Ministry of Communication of China in April 1999 and passed the authentication of the scientific fruit in December 1999. Its function of training perfectly meets the requests of STCW78/79 by IMO (International Maritime Organization) and the requirement stipulated by Chinese Maritime Society Authority on the outline of eligibility certification, examination and evaluation for shipping sailors. Besides, its technological achievements reached the worldwide advanced level of the middle of the 90’s.Science and technology is always advancing without ceasing, staying backward means being washed out. In the view of latest technology development, the original SMSC-2000 has some deficiencies, e.g., some techniques need to be updated, some improvements on system performances are required, etc. This is just the background of this dissertation. It aims to investigate and realize some new techniques for simulation system development in accordance with the integrated simulation platform and hence to result in more perfect developing techniques for marine engine room simulators. Meanwhile this task is also a part of "Multi-Mode Engine Room Simulation System"- an laboratory-constructing project of Shanghai Maritime University Shipping Simulate Center which is one ofthe key laboratories of the Ministry of Communication. As we know, Pneumatic Operation System for Marine Engine is an important component of the Marine Engine controlling system. Without being manipulated properly and adroitly or failing to resolve relevant faults in time, the normal running of the shipping will be endangered. In order to strengthen sailorman’s training in this field, we developed Simulation System of Pneumatic Operation for Marine Engines based on the present Marine Engines Room Simulator. This paper introduced the structure and function of this system, emphasizing its character of real-time online control & simulation.The paper focused on this task and covered these contents: realizing the real-time, online and dynamic simulation of the Pneumatic Operation System for Marine Main Engine on the basis of analyzing the Pneumatic devices’ principle and by the means of multimedia technology; describing dynamically the flowing direction of the controlling pneumatic line according to its logical relations in the three working conditions-starting, stopping and reversing. At the same time, the paper discussed the establishment of mathematics simulation model for Digital Governor DGS-8800 according to the traditional PID control model. It also comes up with the idea of optimizing the speed-adjusting system for the marine main engine by making use of fuzzy control theory.The dissertation is outlined below. Firstly the construction of MAN B&W marine engine control system is briefly introduced. Specifically, construction & logical relationship of the B&W Pneumatic control equipment and hardware construction & the speed-regulating principle of DGS-8800-the Digital Governor device are analyzed. Chapter 3 is devoted to an introduction of structure and function of Simulation System of Pneumatic Operation for Marine Engine, which was conducted by us, emphasizing its character of real-time online control & simulation. That’s to say, Industrial Control Computer was responsible for data acquisition system and real-time control, while Simulative Control Screen for Marine Engines and software inte

  • 【分类号】TM921.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】301

