

【作者】 胡升欣

【导师】 王晓;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是传统的液体化工原料进口大国,自九十年代以来,随着改革开放的不断深入和国际间贸易的不断加强,国内对液体化工原料的需求呈逐年快速递增趋势。同时目前国内各大港口均面临着激烈的竞争,因此如何降低装卸成本和开辟新的货源成为港口生产的当务之急,而液化品需求量的快速增长为港口的发展提供了新的机遇,许多港口纷纷兴建化工专用泊位或开辟化工装卸作业区,以寻求新的经济增长点,但由于技术和管理方面的原因,发展一直较为缓慢。宁波港镇海液体化工作业区是国内最早从事液化品装卸作业的港区之一,发展至今已成为国内规模最大的液化品中转基地,并连续七年保持液化品吞吐量全国第一。但近几年的发展表明,随着港区液化品吞吐量的不断上升和油品中转业务的介入,原有的工艺设施和工艺布局已不能满足港区目前和将来的发展需要,因此新的专用泊位和仓储区域的建设和现有工艺布局的改造势在必行。本篇论文正是基于以上的背景对宁波港镇海液体化工区的液化装卸工艺布局进行研究,试图通过借助一定的分析工具,结合化工区发展的现状和未来的规划,寻求一套能满足化工区今后发展需要的整体工艺布局方案。 论文全文包括引言和五章内容。引言部分简单的介绍了化工区的发展现状和存在的主要问题,并提出了解决问题的总体思路和方法。第一章着重对化工区的概况进行了介绍,主要包括化工区现有的软硬件设施,如码头、仓储设施、工艺及配套设施、发展规模,周边环境、发展现状和趋势等,通过第一章的介绍对化工区的现状有了一定的了解。第二章主要对化工区的发展现状进行了分析,在简单的介绍了散装液体化工品的装卸工艺和化工区液化装卸工艺的布局形式和运作方式的基础上,结合港区现有的各类统计资料,通过对泊位通过能力,泊位利用率和区域货运量等资料的分析研究,指出了目前化工区液化工艺布局中存在的主要问题,并提出了解决目前存在问题的基本思路。第三章根据第二章的分析结果,结合化工区正在进行的新规划,从总体上对整个化工区的液化装卸工艺布局进行了分析,在此基础上确立了四个较为适合化工区今后发展的联通管线布局方案,并通过对构成方案三要素的分析研究,从理论上对四个方案的可行性进行了论证。第四章为工艺布局方案的选优过程,本文采用Fuzzy综合评判和AHP法相结合的方法,通过建立评价方案的指标体系和Fuzzy综合评判模型,同时针对Fuzzy综合评判中指标权重确定存在较大随意性和模糊判断矩阵难以确定的不足,利用AHP法来确定指标体系中各指标的权重,并建立了Fuzzy综合评判隶属函数的通用计算公式来建立模糊判断矩阵,从而弥补了Fuzzy综合评判的不足,提高了评判结果的准确性,最后通过计算分析从而确定四个方案中的较佳方案。第五章对整篇论文进行了总结,并提出了建议。 目前国内对于港口装卸工艺及其布局的研究主要集中在件杂货和干散货的装卸工艺布局的研究上,由于国内从事液化品装卸的港口还不是很多,大部分规模较小且技术上和管理上较为落后,且研究的专业性很强,因此对液体化工装卸工艺的研究及相关的参考文献很少,同时由于宁波港镇海液体化工作业区是目前国内最大的液化品中转基地,因此本文的研究具有一定的前沿性和参考价值。本文的另一特点是在研究过程中从管理的角度出发,撇开专业的液化工艺设计,根据液化装卸工艺“总体简单,相对复杂”的特点,研究其“总体简单”的共性,从而突破了液体化工装卸工艺的设计必须以液化专业知识为支撑的传统研究方法。在研究方法上,采用FllZZy综合评判和AHP法相结合的方法来进行,由于Fuzzy综合评判中指标权重的确定一般依靠专家打分等方法来确定,随意性和主观性较强,对评判的结果影响较大,为提高评判的准确度,在专家打分的基础上本文引入AHP法来确定评价指标的权重,使权重的确定更为科学合理。同时针对 FZ Z Z y综合评判中模糊判断矩阵较难确定的特点,建立了评判隶属函数的通用计算公式,指标量化后均可套用该公式来建立模糊判断矩阵,从而使得模糊判断矩阵的建立更为便利。本文在研究过程中对 Fll Z y综合评判中存在的不足加以了改进,提高了评判结果的准确度,并取得了较好的效果。 整篇论文采用理论和实践的相互结合,实用性较强,可为镇海液体化工作业区今后发展及其他从事液化品装卸的港口提供一定的借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 China is a traditional country of chemical raw material importation. With the deeper innovation and the improvement of the international trade in china, the need of chemical raw material has been great enhanced since the 90’s of the last century. At the same time, due to the drastic competition between the coast ports of china, how to reduce the cost of operation and explore new cargo for loading and discharging is the most important target, and the great need of chemical raw material give them the chance to build new berth and storage area for chemical operation to make the new improvement in economy. Unfortunately due to the poor management and the low technology, the speed of the development is lower. As one of the earliest liquid chemical operation area in China, Zhenhai District of Ningbo Port is the largest transshipment base of China for imported liquid chemicals at present and the liquid chemical throughput has been ranking the first place among China’s coastal ports for seven years. But the recent development shows that with the great improvement of throughout and the intervention of the oil operation the loading and discharging system of Zhenhai District has already not fitted the need of toady and future, so building new berth and storage area and the innovation of old handling system are the most emergent things for the port to do. The article is just base on the above background to do some researches about the liquid chemical loading and discharging system of Zhenhai District, try to use some system analyze tools , combining the situation today and future will be, to find out a suit of layout project of the liquid chemical handling system which fit the need of the future.The whole paper includes introduction and five chapters. The main content of introduction give you a simple impression of the District, meanwhile the author point out the existing problems and the way how to solve them. Chapter one introduces the present status of the District in detail, including the berth, storage area, equipments, handling system, scale, trend and so on. Chapter two following the above introductionanalyze the present status of the District. With the introduction of the liquid chemical loading and discharging system and how operating in Zhenhai District, combining the recent statistics date of the port, the chapter analyzes the berth throughout, use-rate of berth, need of the storage area and point out the main problem now existing. Chapter three combining the new project of the District analyzes the handling system layout entirely, meanwhile it builds four series of liquid chemical transfer-lines projects which fit the need of the future. The four projects have been demonstrated with the analyze of the three actors which make up the project. Chapter four is the process of the best choice of the four projects. The author use fuzzy multiple evaluation theory and AHP theory to solve the problem, meanwhile establish the current calculate formula of the subjection function, ameliorate the deficiency of fuzzy multiple evaluation theory, enhance the veracity of the result of evaluation. The best choice is worked out with the calculation which based on the above theory. The last chapter is the summarize of the whole paper and give some advice to the project.The research of port handling system is now generally focus on general cargo and bulk cargo. The scarce of the chemical handling ports, small scale, lower management and technology, complex special chemical knowledge make the researches and references in this facet scarcely, as the largest scale of chemical handling area in China, the research of Zhenhai chemical handling District is advanced and representative. Another characteristic of the paper is that the research is not based on complex special chemical knowledge but management to analyze the commonness of the system, it is a breakthrough of the tradition which means the design of chemical handling system must be based on the special chemical knowledge . On the research metho

  • 【分类号】U693
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】237

