

Small Fluctuation Stability Analysis in the Case of Water Turbine Regulation System for Power Station with Complicated Conduit System

【作者】 马薇

【导师】 李郁侠;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利水电工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 水轮机调节系统是一个复杂的自动控制系统,其小波动过渡过程是指水轮机调节系统在受到微小的干扰(负荷或指令信号扰动)时,系统中各参数的变化都较小,可以认为是在所讨论工况点附近作微小变化,则可将调节系统各环节加以线性化,用线性微分方程式来描述各环节及整个系统的动态特性。水轮机调节系统动态工作品质的优劣直接关系到水电站和机组运行的安全以及所生产的电能质量,因此,对水轮机调节系统的小波动动态过程分析具有重要意义。 在对水电站水轮机调节系统进行稳定性分析时,首先应建立调节系统数学模型,利用传递矩阵法构建空间矩阵,再进行计算机动态模拟,并采用R—K法求解微分方程。 本文根据南桠河姚河坝水电站的设计方案,对水轮机调节系统,按长引水管道复杂引水系统、弹性水击、调速器为PID调节规律,在小波动情况下,对包括引水道、调压井、尾水管、水轮机、发电机、调速器在内的水轮机调节系统建立数学模型,并计及引水管道水力摩阻损失,对水轮机、调速器考虑了其中的非线性,利用功能强大的MATLAB软件编制了源程序进行计算机仿真计算。通过对南桠河姚河坝水电站水轮机调节系统各种不同工况及参数组合的计算,得出了调速器最优参数组及其调整范围,保证其所在系统小波动调节稳定。

【Abstract】 The water turbine regulation system is a complicate auto-controlling system, it’s small fluctuation dynamic course means: when the water turbine regulation system is interfered by tiny disturbance of load or command signal, the change of different parameters in the system is less, we can thought they are subtle change near by the discussing conditions, so we can make each tache in the system linearization, that is, describe the dynamic specialty of each tache and the whole system by means of linear differential equation. Because the working performance of water turbine regulation system is direct related with safety operation of hydropower station and water turbine-generator unit as well as the electric-power quality generated. Therefore, it has important bearing that analysesing the small fluctuation dynamic course of water turbine regulation system.When the stability of water turbine regulation system is analysesed, at first, the mathematical model of the regulation system must be established; then the space matrix must be build by means of transfer matrix; third, this mathematical model must be simulated by computer; and at last, the differential equation must be solved by the method of R-K.In this paper according to the design scheme of Yao Heba Power Station in NanYahe River, the mathematical model with longer and complicated conduit system, elastic water hammer and PID regulating low of voter turbine adjusting system in the case of the small fluctuation has being built, which include conduit system, surge tank, draft tube, water turbine, generator and governor. The hydraulic losses are taken into account, and nonlinearization in water turbine and the governor is also taken into account. Then the source programme is established by use of the MATLAB soft with powerful function and the emulate calculation is carried out by computer, and after calculating with all sort of condition and parameter combination of water turbine regulation system of Yao Heba Power Station in Nan Yahe river, we can obtain the optimum parameter and adjustive range of the governor to assure the electrical system that the power station belongs the small fluctuation regulation stabilization.

  • 【分类号】TV734.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】315

