

Design of a Model of Computer Decision-Making and a Method of Multi-Objective Fuzzy Optimization of House Design Based on AHP

【作者】 董鸣皋

【导师】 刘发全;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水工结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 住宅是人赖以生存的基础之一。选择最佳住宅建筑设计,可改善人的居住条件;提高住宅建设的效益;协调人、建筑、社会的关系;有利于自然与社会的可持续发展。本文围绕这一目标,在工程经济基本理论、工程项目管理和现代优化方法以及计算机技术基础上,研究开发了基于层次分析法(AHP)的住宅设计多指标模糊优选技术及计算机决策模型。 本文首先从现代住宅建筑的社会性、技术性和经济性特点出发,系统地分析了影响住宅建筑设计方案的因素及其关系,建立了适合住宅建筑设计方案的功能和费用优选指标体系。在此基础上应用层次分析法计算各个指标权重,建立了多指标模糊优选函数,解得方案功能和费用相对指标属性距大值隶属度向量以及功能—费用比率向量,以功能—费用比率向量对参选方案进行最优排序,从而建立基于AHP的住宅建筑设计方案多指标模糊优选技术。为便于应用,本文对优选过程及其数据流程进行了系统分析,设计了基于C++的层次分析法和模糊优选函数的计算机算法以及基于VC++的人机交互界面,建立了优选计算机辅助决策模型。 本文在AHP和多目标模糊优选理论的基础上,将两者优点结合起来,这样既考虑方案本身的技术经济参数,也考虑专家的意见,使方案优选更加全面、客观、准确;同时,采用现代计算机技术手段不仅提高了优选的效率,也为计算机在方案优述中应用奠定了一定思想方法和技术基础。

【Abstract】 House is the basic need of human being. An optimal selection from house designs will improve the conditions of human being’ s residence, increase the benefit of house constructing, harmonize the relationship of human being, building and society, meanwhile be in favor of the sustainable development of nature and society. Based on the engineering economics, the system theory, the methods of modern optimization and the advanced computer technology, this paper developed a model for computer assistant decision-making and a method of Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization (MFO) of house design based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).From the characteristics of the house design, this paper systematically analyzed the relations among the factors which affect the design, and enhance classified them and established the corresponding function and cost indexes systems. Then this paper established models of function and cost of MFO, gained the weights of these indexes by AHP to weigh the relative design values of indexes in the corresponding optimal models, and more worked out subjection degree vectors to the relative max-value (SDVRM) of indexes of function and cost, more a ratio vector of the function SDVRM to the cost one was attained too. Furthermore, the optimal design could be selected according to the maximal value of the elements of the ratio vector. A method of MFO for house design based on AHP was established. Finally, this paper developed a model for the computer assistant decision-making, which was composed of algorithms of AHP, MFO in C++ and the user interface (UI) in VC++, based on the analysis of the optimization process and the data stream.This paper combined the advantages of both AHP and MFO, namely combined the consideration of the technique economical parameters of design with suggestions of the experts in the corresponding fields. So the optimal selection of house design is more complete, accurate and objective. Meantime, utilizing advanced computer technology not only increases optimal selection efficiency, but also provides ideas and technology ground for the application of computer to the optimization of designs.

  • 【分类号】TU241
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】301

