

The Study on Packaging Condition Demanded in Dangerous Cargo Transport Using Container and on Loading & Binding Measures

【作者】 王春生

【导师】 刘志鹏;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 包装工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路运输危险货物采用集装箱运输,是我国铁路危险货物运输历史上的一次重大改革,是实现我国铁路危险货物运输现代化的重要举措,对推进危险货物运输的发展有重要的意义。为了促进这一改革的顺利进行,充分发挥危险货物集装箱运输的优越性,对危险货物集装箱运输中可能出现的问题必须进行详尽的研究。在全面回顾危险货物集装箱运输研究成果的基础上,从危险货物集装箱运输的特点出发,对装载危险货物集装箱的包装条件及装载加固方法做了进一步的理论分析探讨。 本文在分析我国危险货物的品类、产量、产地、运到地;运输设备;作业方式;装卸工具;车辆洗刷除污及工业垃圾处置等的基础上,借鉴国外铁路危险货物运输的先进经验,在已有成果的基础上,提出了集装箱应有的类型,危险货物进箱的包装条件,对危险货物集装箱运输中所受外力及流通过程中各种环境条件对集装箱内包装件的影响进行了分析探讨,为缓冲包装设计提供理论依据,最后,提出了发展危险货物集装箱运输的若干建议。

【Abstract】 Using container to transport dangerous cargo in railway transport is a great innovation in Chinese railway dangerous cargo transport history, is an important step to realize the modernization of Chinese railway dangerous cargo transport, and it is significant to the development of dangerous cargo transport. To take advantage of container reasonably, every kind of problems must be researched in detail, which may occur during the dangerous cargo transport using container. This project studies the research fruits in this field, analyses and discusses the condition demanded in the dangerous cargo transport using container and the binding measures according to the character of dangerous cargo transport using container.This paper analyses the sorts of production, amounts, sites destination of production, transport equipments, operation measures, load and unload equipment, cleaning and industrial treatment equipments, presents the sorts of container needed in dangerous cargo transport and the package condition demanded in dangerous cargo transport after investigate widely, plenty -of experiments and strict theoretical analysis on the basis of researches results before considering the facts of Chinese railway transport. Furthermore, this paper analyses anddiscusses the forces the dangerous cargo in the container receive during the transport and the effects to the inner package box influenced by every kind of environments. In the end, some suggestions about how to develop the dangerous cargo transport using container are proposed.? ’ ’"Vv ’

  • 【分类号】TB48
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】836

