

Research on the Workflow Technology of the Credit Management System

【作者】 张鹏

【导师】 张新元;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 工作流作为过程管理的一项关键技术,对于企业实现业务过程自动化具有重要意义。本文的研究从工作流基础理论入手,借鉴过程理论研究的相关成果,提出了基于工作流的可进行过程定义、执行与分析的新一代信贷管理系统的框架。将工作流技术同信贷管理业务紧密结合,较好地解决了信贷管理中的过程柔性定义、事务管理、安全性验证等制约信贷系统实施中的关键问题。 论文针对现有信贷管理系统在面向过程管理方面存在的不足,将工作流技术引入信贷管理中,建立了信贷审批流程模型,提高了流程运转效率,减少了流程运行成本。 针对现有信贷管理系统文档处理能力低的缺点,引入文档型Notes数据库,并将Notes数据库同关系型数据库SQL Server 2000集成,使系统同时具备了很好的文档数据与关系数据的处理能力,提高了系统的数据处理效率,完善了系统功能。 引入Domino的安全验证字机制,针对信贷管理系统安全性要求高的特点,与面向过程的流程管理相适应,建立了多层次、多角色、可灵活控制的安全认证体系。 在流程科学设计的基础上,运用代理技术、Lotusscript,实现外部应用同流程的紧密集成。

【Abstract】 ?As a core technology of process management, workflow plays an important role in realizing the automation of business process. It is a crucial base of improving the management information system, especially credit management system. My research enters on the basic theory of workflow, consults the concerning fruit of process management. Finally I puts forward the frame work of the new generational credit management system, which can carry out process definition, process executing, process analysis oriented to the whole processes of credit in bank. I has combined the workflow technology with the business of credit, which successfully solve the flexible definition, affair management and safety validating in the process of credit such as the key problem.Aiming at the default of the existing credit management system, I have designed the rational process models of credit. These models enhance the efficiency of credit work and decrease the cost of credit work.Thinking of insufficiency of dealing with documentation data, I have introduced Notes database, and have integrated it with SQL 2000 database. So this makes my credit management system can also deal with two types of data at the same time, which enhances the running speed of system.On the basis of Domino certification mechanism, I have constructed acomplete safe- system.Finally, using agent-technology> LotusScript language, I have realized the integrating between the process flow and outer application.

  • 【分类号】F830.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】154

