

Study on Cellulose’s Degradation of One-Single Used Paper-Based Container

【作者】 戴燕

【导师】 石淑兰;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 制浆造纸工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着白色污染的日益加剧,寻找一种质优价廉且环境友好的塑料餐具代替品已成为社会发展的必然趋势。“以纸代塑”,一方面可以充分利用自然环境中含量丰富、价格低廉、再生周期短的植物纤维原料,另一方面所制成的纸质餐具可降解、可回收,因此,是最有效的发泡塑料餐具的替代品。 然而,在纸质餐具的生产过程中,常添加一定量的防水剂和防油剂等化学药品。这些助剂的加入,一方面提高了纸质餐具的防油防水性,改善了纸质餐具的使用性能,另一方面降低了其在自然环境中的可降解性,使纸质餐具在自然环境中的降解变得较为困难,且成本较高。因此,迫切需要研究纸质餐具在不同环境中的降解行为,以此来指导实际生产。 为此,本论文以碱性亚硫酸钠法苇浆为主要原料,以F-321型防油剂、HA-321型防水剂为主要化学助剂,研究了防油防水剂等化学助剂对纸质餐具防油防水性能的影响。 研究结果表明:HA-321型防水剂与F-321型防油剂的添加可以赋予纸质餐具良好的防油防水性能。在浆中加入助留剂APAM可以提高防油防水剂的留着率,从而可以减少防水防油剂的用量。各类助剂在纸质餐具中的最佳用量为:HA-321,4%(对绝干浆计);F-321,0.6%(对绝干浆计);APAM,0.05%(对绝干浆计)。 同时,采用光降解、热降解、土埋生物降解等方法对纸质餐具试样进行了降解实验,研究了纸浆模塑餐具中天然纤维素纤维在不同环境条件下降解的特性及防油防水剂对纸质餐具降解性能的影响。 纸质餐具的光降解研究结果表明:在光降解过程中,紫外光的照射加快了纸质餐具试样的老化,使纸质餐具试样发生从外观到内在的变化。光照7周后,试样的白度约下降了20%左右;聚合度从初始的1124下降到600左右;抗张强度降低20~40%左右;试样失重率达到了10%左右;试样中长纤维含量减少,长度为0.2~1.0mm的短纤维含量增加;光降解6周后试样的结晶度从初始的71%上升到了75%。 纸质餐具的热降解研究结果表明:纸质餐具试样的白度、聚合度、抗张强度等随着热降解时间的延长而逐渐降低。降解温度越高,试样的热降解越快。纸质餐具试样在100℃热降解16天后试样白度下降了25%左右;聚合度从初始的1124下降到600左右;失重率为12%~14%。而在160℃下热降解时,纸质餐具的性能急剧下降,96小时后试样的白度下降了80%以上;试样的聚合度从初始的1124下降到了200左右;抗张强度约下降了59~83%;失重率达18%左右,羰基指数升高;结晶度下降;短纤维含量大大增加,主要 摘验集中在 0.2~0.6mm之间。 纸质餐具的热失重分析结果表明:试样在受热分解时,试样失重分为两个阶段:在升温初期(约 60 C~100 C时)水分子首先脱除出来,导致试样失重;当温度升至240~250℃时试样开始急剧分解,当温度达到340~乃0℃时纸质餐具试样的分解速率达到最大,试样质量急剧下降;当温度继续升高至380℃左右时试样受热分解反应基本结束,此后试样失重速率趋向平稳。 纸质餐具的土埋降解研究结果表明:采用土埋降解法可以较快地使纸质餐具发生降解,在土埋l~2周内既可使试样颜色明显变黄,表面出现霉点。随着土埋时间的延长,试样逐渐破碎,直至最后完全分解。经紫外光照射7周后的试样再进行土埋降解时,其降解速率较快,仅用3周即可使其聚合度下降到200以下。而未经光降解处理的空白纤维素试样在土埋降解5周后才完全分解。 另外,研究还发现,无论是光降解、热降解,还是土埋降解,防油防水剂的加入均阻碍了纸质餐具的降解,因此是不利于纸质餐具的降解的。 通过对纸质餐具降解特性的研究,揭示了助剂对纸质餐具使用性能、降解性能的影响,同时,也揭示了纸质餐具在不同环境中的降解特性,为纸质餐具天然纤维素纤维在不同环境中的降解提供了依据,从而有利于指导实际生产,为消除“以纸代塑”后的环境污染隐患提供了重要依据,具有重要的环保意义。

【Abstract】 To solve the "white pollution", materials which is good in service and environment-friendly should be found to substitute the foamed plastic container. Among those new type of containers, paper-based containers are the most popular substitute of foamed plastic container, for they are mainly made of natural plant materials which are not only abundant in nature, but also can be degraded easily,While in practice, a lot of oil-proof and waterproof agents are added into pulp to perform better oil-proof or waterproof ability, which at the same time prevent the container from being degraded fast in natural. To solve the contradiction, it’s important to research the mechanism of paper-based container’s degradation in different environment.First, the alkaline sulfite reed pulp was used as main material and oil-proof agent of F-321and waterproof agent of HA-321 were used as the main chemical agents to research the effect of agents on the properties of paper-based container in service.The results showed that F-321and HA-321 can inform paper-based container good properties of oil-proof and waterproof performance. APAM could increase the remaining of F-321 and HA-321 in pulp. The optimum dosages was HA-321, 4%, F-321, 0.6%, APAM, 0.05% (to oven weight).Secondly, degradation experiment of paper-based container had been tested under UV light, heat or soil environments. The characters of cellulose under different degradation conditions were researched. The effects of waterproof agent and oil-proof agent on the degradation of container were also researched.The photolysis results showed that when paper-based containers were aged under UV light, they changed a lot from exterior to interior. When irradiated under UV light for 7 weeks, the brightness of samples decreased about 20%, and the DP decreased from 1124 to 600. The tensile strength decreased about 20-40%, and the weightlessness was about 10%. The content of long cellulose decreased, while the short cellulose which was about 0.2~1.0 mm long increased. When irradiated under UV light for 6 weeks, the crystallinity of samples increased from 71% to 75%.The thermolysis result showed that when paper-based container were degraded under high temperatures, the properties, such as brightness, DP, tensile strength of samples decreased. The higher the temperature was the faster the thermolysisprocessed. When the paper-based containers were aged under 100℃ for 16 days, the brightness decreased about 25%, DP decreased from 1124 to 600, the weightiness lost was about 12%~14%. While when samples were decomposed under 160℃ for 96 hours, the brightness decreased above 80%; the DP decreased from 1124 to 200; the tensile strength decreased about 59%~83%; the weightiness lost about 18%; the carbonyl group index increased; the crystallinity decreased; shorter cellulose which were about 0.2-0.6mm long increased.The TG of samples showed that when heated, the samples’ thermolysis included two stages: In the initial stage of thermolysis (60℃~100℃), water molecules in the samples emerged firstly, which caused the weightiness of samples decreased about 4.77%~6.89%. When the temperature increased to 240℃~250℃I the samples decomposed quickly, and when the temperature increased to 340℃ -350℃, the samples degraded in the fastest velocity, and the weightiness of samples decreased fast. When the temperature increased to about 380℃, the thermolysis of paper-based container was almost finished, the weightiness decreased slowly with time going on.The biodegradation results in soil showed that when samples were buried into soil, they degraded fast. In the first 1-2 weeks, the color of samples became yellow obviously, and the surface of samples was attacked by mildew. With the time going on, samples broke up, and degraded completely finally. Samples pretreated under UV light for 7 weeks degraded faster in soil, and after 3 weeks, the DP decreased to about 200. While samples unpretreated by UV light degraded completely after being buried in soil for 5 weeks.In addition, the addi

  • 【分类号】X384
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