

【作者】 赵云峰

【导师】 徐立中;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的高速发展,人们对宽带通信业务的需求越来越大。低压电力线通信因具有网络分布广、无需重新布线等优点,在信息家电、楼宇智能化以及Internet接入等应用中受到极大的关注。实现低压电力线通信需要对其通信信道有准确的了解,建立相应的实用信道模型。此外具体采用的通信技术也至关重要。建立相应的通信仿真系统作为辅助工具,无论对技术的理论研究还是开发调试都能起到事半功倍的作用,本文的后半部分围绕如何建立即插即用的构件化仿真模型进行研究。 本文首先从低压电力线特性出发,重点对1~30MHz低压电力线通信信道噪声进行了研究,利用三状态Markov模型对脉冲噪声模型进行了改进和验证。 然后,围绕建立通信仿真系统的主题,通过分析构件化开发在仿真系统复用性、精确性等方面的优势,从软件体系结构、开发方法和构件可配置性等角度进行探讨,寻求仿真系统的最小代价的快速构件化开发方法,并引入了软件总线作为系统架构的主要组成部分,使系统的架构开发与功能构件开发具有相对独立性。 最后,以开发PCSS系统为例,给出了构件化实现系统即插即用的开发方法和在COM技术规范下实现系统即插即用的开发过程及实施细节。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of networks and communication, there’re more requirements for wideband communication. Because of the advantages of widely distributed network and none need of rewired, low-voltage power line communication is catching our attention greatly now, which uses the power line as a communication media to create a high speed data channel and supply services such as Home Appliance, Intelligent Building and high speed Internet access. However, the power line network differs considerably from the conventional telecommunication media in topology, physical- and transfers properties. Using this network as a high-speed data communication link, the system design has to consider channel specific demands. So the accurate knowledge of channel specific system demands and the practical models are needed. Moreover, the specify communication technology is critical coordinately. There are beneficial to the research and debug with building a communication simulation system as assistance tool. So we focus our attention on how to build a Plug-and-Play simulator based on software component.This thesis starts with the analysis of the low-voltage power line channel characteristics. Then the noises in the frequency range between 1~ 30MHz are sorted and their properties are given in detail. We also improve the asynchronous impulsive noise by using three-state Markov model, and give all process of establishing the model.Focus on the topic of how to building the Powerline Communication Simulation System (PCSS), we analyze the advantages of reuse and accurate in simulation using component development, and we present the low-cost fast development method Based on the ananlsis of software architectures, formal component model and the reconfiguration of component. Moreover, we make the Software Bus as the main part of system achitecture, which bring the independent between system architecture development and functional component development.Finally we use the CBD (Component-Based Development) method to realize the simulator’s framework with the property of Plug and Play as an example. We also present the specify development process and some main modules’ data structure under the specification of COM (Component Object Model).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TN913.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】423

