

【作者】 李敏伦

【导师】 毕国明;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 冷战结束以来,美国成为当今世界唯一的超级大国。在环顾世界无敌手的情况下,其对内对外政策都出现了不同于冷战时期的变化,其政策走向是对内强调实力原则,努力发展本国的综合国力,保持现有的各项优势;对外则逐步呈现单边利己主义的现实主义政策,尤其是乔治·W·布什上台以后,这种倾向更加明显,因而给国际社会带来了一片乱象。 本文以后冷战时期的美国霸权政策为研究对象,对美国霸权政策的理论基础,后冷战时期美国霸权政策的特点,导致其霸权政策呈现新特点的因素,21世纪美国霸权政策走向预测,及其对中国发展的影响进行了分析探讨;旨在使我国对美国霸权有一个清醒的认识,以作出适当的回应。 论文分为四个部分: 第一部分,美国霸权政策的理论基础。这部分通过对支配美国霸权政策的三种主要理论进行分析,阐明了美国霸权政策并不是如人们通常认为的那样,在某一时期只是一种理论起支配作用,而是无论在哪一时期,理想主义、现实主义和国际机制理论都包含在美国霸权政策之中,它们相互补充,共同成就了美国的霸权事业。 第二部分,后冷战时期美国霸权政策的特点。这部分将后冷战时期美国霸权政策的特点分为继承层面和发展层面。继承层面阐明了美国霸权政策体系的基本特点;发展层面则阐明了美国在后冷战时期面对新的世界格局,其政策所呈现的新特点。通过这两个层面的分析,美国在后冷战时期的霸权政策的特点就清晰地被展现出来。 第三部分,导致后冷战时期美国霸权政策呈现新特点的因素。这部分从冷战结束后,世界局势出现的变化,美国自身实力的变化,以及现行国际机制出现的不适应性的角度分析了美国在后冷战时期,尤其是小布什上台以后,对美国的内外政策所作的大副度调整的原因。 第四部分,21世纪美国霸权政策走向预测及其对中国发展的影响。这部分通过对21世纪影响美国继续维持霸权的因素的分析,得出美国在21世纪的政策可能会呈现更加保守的单边利己主义的倾向。进而分析了中国作为国际社会的一个极为重要的成员,将会受到美国霸权政策调整的影响,及中国应作出的回应。

【Abstract】 Since the cold war had ended, the United States of America has become the only superpower in the world. Facing the fact that there are no rivals, it has regulated its domestic and foreign policy during the cold war .The trend of its policy is that domestic policy emphasizes actual strength and makes great efforts to develop its comprehensive national power, that foreign policy is appearing unilateral egocentric realism. Especially after George W. Bush became the president of USA, this trend is more obvious. So the international society appears a disorderly picture.This paper chooses American hegemony policy -as the object of research. It tries to analyze and explore its theoretical basis features during the post-cold war, to analyze the reasons of regulation, to predict its trend in 21 century and discuss its influence on Chinese development. The paper aims at arousing our country to pay attention to American hegemony policy and hoping that we can adopt appropriate measures to them.This paper consists of four parts: (1) The theoretical basis of American hegemony policy. By analyzing the three main theories that supports the American hegemony policy, this part points out that the American hegemony policy is always propping up by realism, idealism and the theory of international regime in the history of the United States of America, not is, as we thought, sustained by only a theory in a stage The three theories supplement each othei and accomplish the American hegemony together (2) The features of American hegemony policy during the post-cold war. This part analyzes the American hegemony policy from inheriting and developing sides. On inheriting side, it analyzes the basic features of the system of the American hegemony policy; And on developing side, it points out that the American hegemony policy has presented new features during the post-cold war when it is facing new world structure. By analyzing this two sides, the features of American hegemony policy have been presented clearly.(3)The factors that make American hegemony policy regulate during the post-cold war. By analyzing the new changes of the world structure, the changes of American actual strength and the defects of international regime at present after the cold war was ended, this part discusses the factors that American government regulates its domestic and foreign policy in the cold war.(4) The prediction of the trend of American hegemony policy in 21 century and its influence on Chinese development . By analyzing the factors that hinder the USA to continue to keep its hegemony, this part draws a conclusion that trend of American hegemony policy will become more conservative, harder and more tyrannical. Then this part discusses that China will be influence by the changes of American hegemony policy in 21 century and should adopt appropriate measures to them as an important member of international society.

  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【下载频次】229

