

【作者】 王昌

【导师】 于同敏;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题研究的目的是要开发注塑模具浇注系统三维特征建模系统,以提高注塑模具浇注系统设计的效率和质量。 以MDT6.0为开发平台,在分析比较其提供的各种二次开发工具的基础之上,结合浇注系统的特点,以追求系统运行的高性能为目标,应用VC++6.0和MDT的面向对象的二次开发工具——ObjectARX2002,开发了基于MDT的注塑模具浇注系统三维特征建模系统。 在全面分析、比较浇注系统特征分类各种方案的基础上,采用三维特征建模技术和参数化技术,建立了浇注系统的三维特征库,并与原有的塑件三维特征库有机地融合成一体。在总结前人设计经验之后,建立了浇注系统设计规则库。采用面向对象的数据库技术,建造了浇口类型与浇口位置咨询专家系统。建立了基于SQLServer2000浇注系统系列设计参数数据库,采用ADO数据库访问技术,开发了RBR引导的浇注系统智能化设计系统。 通过浇注系统和塑件特征的调用,采用人机交互输入参数的方法进行浇注系统与塑件一体化三维实体建模。应用浇口咨询专家系统、塑件全信息模型以及RBR引导的智能设计系统,可以完成浇注系统整体的快速建模,并体现出一定程度的智能化。 探讨了人机交互技术,在MDT用户界面上设计了直观方便的、符合浇注系统建模要求的专用菜单。最后,通过典型塑件的模具浇注系统设计,给出了应用本系统的建模过程与方法。 浇注系统设计是注塑模具设计中的重要环节,本系统最终实现的浇注系统与模具成型零件三维结构的同时生成,对提高注塑模具的设计效率和质量具有重要意义。浇注系统与塑件一体化三维建模系统的研究与开发,是实现模具CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP信息集成的基础。

【Abstract】 The purpose of studying this theme is developing 3D Feature-Based modeling system of the feed system of plastic injection mould, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of designing the feed system of plastic injection mould.In this paper, based on analysis and comparison of the second developing tools the MDT has supplied, combined the characteristic of gate and runner of the feed system, for achievement of the high-powered of the system running, the 3D Feature-Based modeling system of the feed system of plastic injection mould is developed through integrating VC++ 6.0 with ObjectARX2002 on the platform of the Mechanical Desktop 6.0(MDT6.0).Based on analysis and comparison of all kinds of precepts about feature sorting of the different structural feed systems, a 3D feature library of the feed system is built on the platform by utilizing Feature-Modeling technology and parametric technology, and integrated with the former 3D feature library of plastic product. Based on summarizing former others’ design experiences, a design rules library of the feed system. A consultation expert system about the gate’s type and location is built by the method of Object-Oriented database technology. Based on establishing the design series parameter database on the platform of the SQLServer2000, by utilizing ADO database accessing technology, an intelligent design system with the direction of RBR is constructed.Calling of their features and inputting parameters interactively can sculpt the fusional solid model of the feed system and plastic. By using the gate consultation expert system, and the general information-model of plastic, and the intelligent design system of feed system, the rapidly modeling of the whole of feed system can be accomplished, with some intelligent elements reflected.A user-friendly visual special interface is customized on the basis of the interface of MDT 6. 0. At last, two actual processes of the modeling of feed system and plastic product are demonstrated.Design of the feed system plays an important role in designing plastic injection mould. Therefore, it is very important for enhancing of design efficiency and design quality of plastic injection mould that the design system finally achieves simultaneous forming of the feed system and molding part. What’s more, the work of this paper lays a definite foundation for the integration of CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP of injection mould.

  • 【分类号】TQ320.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】169

