

【作者】 张禹

【导师】 霍恒昌;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国外汽车零部件工业正在进一步向缩短产品开发周期、提高技术含量和通用化、降低成本、产品电子化等方向发展,其管理科学化、制造自动化、市场全球化水平很高,并广泛应用CAD/CAS/CAM等计算机技术。相比之下,我国汽车零部件行业还有很大差距,还不具备为国产汽车(尤其是轿车)全面配套供货的能力,参与国际竞争的能力很弱;在科技实力、销售业绩、产品技术含量、企业经营规模、全员劳动生产率等诸多方面存在几十年差距。我国已加入WTO,国际汽车及零部件生产企业正在大举进军我国汽车及零部件市场,虽然作为发展中国家我国在汽车领域尚有5年的保护过渡期,但不管从长远看,还是针对目前国内汽车零部件行业情况,我们都必须根据国际汽车零部件工业的发展,综合分析国外经验,结合我国实际情况,采取有力措施提高产品开发能力,尽快提高我国汽车零部件工业的国际竞争能力。 本课题通过对汽车变速器设计过程的分析,以AutoCAD软件为基础,进行了变速器设计中零件参数化图形生成的开发,实现了变速器中轴及其他回转件以及部分总成的参数化自动生成。对于自动设计中的重要模块,包括引导用户进行设计的界面及管理设计系统,本文进行了开发。 本文作者通过对AutoCAD的二次开发,采用ObjectARX2000做为二次开发工具,采用Microsoft Visual C++6.0为编程环境,开发ARX应用程序。不仅很好的实现了变速器零件的参数化自动生成,并且突破了AutoCAD三维实体造型功能不足的局限。为更加高速、快捷的三维造型提供了一种切实可行的办法。

【Abstract】 Now foreign automobile part industry is developing in order to decrease the period of designing new product, improve technology composed in product, universalize, reduce cost and increase electronical technology, which has a high level in scientific management, automatic design and global market. To the contrary, automobile part industry in our country has lagged behind and doesn’ t have the ability to supply complete parts for automobiles made in China, especially cars. China’ s ability to compete with international Automobile industry is weak. Many aspects lag behind other developed country for at least several ten years, for example science and technology strength, sale achievement, technology composed in products, corporation management scale and labor ratio. Our country has entered WTO. Foreign corporations, which produce automobile and automobile parts, is stepping into our country’ s automobile and automobile parts market. Although as a developing country, we have 5 years protection transition period. Considering future and now, we must take powerful measures to improve abilities to tap product and to compete with international automobile part industry.Base on a commercial software-AutoCAD, we develop the automated gearbox designing system, and realized the parametric feature based design of the circumrotation parts in gearboxes. Both the design methods about the interface the guiding the user’ s design and the data system in the gearbox design are also introduced.AutoCAD is tapped by using ObjectARX 2000 in the thesis and applied program ARX is tapped in the programming environment of Microsoft Visual C++ 6. 0. The thesis not only realizes that parts of gearbox is automatically created by parameters, but also breaks through the limits in the three-dimension shaping of AutoCAD, so that a feasible method is supplied, by which three-dimension model can be created quickly.

  • 【分类号】U463
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】908

