

【作者】 洪声越

【导师】 袁永博; 侯兆惠;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 土木建筑, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,以及工程建设领域业主负责制、工程招标投标制、工程监理制、合同管理制、风险管理制等基本制度的建立和逐步发展,建设市场主体的行为更加规范化、法制化和国际化,工程招标投标制度、合同管理在企业经营、工程项目管理中的地位和作用显得更加突出和重要。在我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,我国建设业由进入一个关键性的改革阶段。因此,掌握国际承包市场的运作体制和方法,熟悉招标投标制度的国际惯例,增强合同意识,提高实际合同的管理能力成为工程管理人员迫在眉睫任务。 本文系统地介绍了建设工程的招标投标与合同管理,其中包括国内的制度、做法和经验,同时还分析了国际惯用的制度和方法,并且分析了其中存在的问题,提出了相应的改进办法。 (1)结合工程实例,系统的介绍了建设工程施工招标方式和程序,总结了不同的工程承包合同类型及其计价方法,对现行的评标方法进行了讨论,主张采用“合理低价”评标法。 (2)系统的介绍了国内工程施工投标程序,介绍了建设工程投标报价的方法,总结了建设工程中的投标策略和投标技巧。 (3)系统地介绍了国际工程项目施工招标方式和招标文件,介绍了世界不同地区工程招标的习惯方法,总结了国际工程投标报价的主要内容,并分析了国际工程投标报价中需要注意的问题。

【Abstract】 Along with the establishment and maturity of socialist economic system of our country and the necessary systems in civil engineering project, such as owner responsibility system, inviting tender and tender system of project, supervision system, contract management system and risk management system, the behavior in construction market is more standard, status and role of bidding system and contract management in the operation of enterprise and project management are of more importance. After joining in WTO, the construction industry of our country will be confronted with a key reform. So, mastering the operating system and way of international contact market, familiarizing international convention of bidding system, improving the ability of contact management are necessitous tasks for project management personnel.Bidding system in construction project and contract management are introduced in detail in this dissertation. The main content are including domestic system and experience, analysis of international convention. The problems of them are also analyzed, and corresponding improvement are put forward.(1) The way and procedure of inviting tender of construction project are introduced systematically. The type and priced method of project contract are summarized. The active evaluating tender method is also discussed, and "reasonably low price" evaluating tender method is advocated.(2) The procedure and the method of tender price of domestic construction project tender are introduced systematically. Some tactics and skills in construction tender are brought forward.(3) The way and files of inviting tender of international construction project are introduced systematically, and The accustomed ways of different country in the world. The main content of international project tender price are summarized, and problems in tender price are analyzed.

【关键词】 招标投标合同
【Key words】 invite tendertendercontract
  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1232

