

【作者】 徐然

【导师】 刘晓冰;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前钢铁市场竞争日益激烈,产品生产呈现多品种小批量的趋势,同时要求产品质优价廉、准时交货、并提供优质的售后服务。钢铁企业要在竞争中获胜,必须保证在向敏捷化、连续化、自动化生产发展的同时,实行实时高效的生产管理策略,加强生产管理和各生产环节之间的衔接,充分发挥现有资源的生产能力,解决由于缺乏生产计划造成的宏观生产失控,以及调度系统不完善导致的实时监控紊乱等方面的问题。 本论文针对上述问题进行了以下研究工作: (1) 在对钢铁行业信息化体系结构及先进的生产管理理念ERP、MES、JIT等进行深入研究的基础上,提出了基于MRPⅡ与JIT相结合的先进的钢铁行业生产管理模式。 (2) 利用上述先进的生产管理模式,提出多层递阶的生产计划和动态实时调度策略,构建了面向企业上层管理ERP和下层执行MES系统的集成化生产管理解决方案。 (3) 利用统一建模语言UML对系统进行了面向对象的功能分析和结构设计,建立了面向ERP/MES的钢铁行业集成化生产管理系统的体系结构和系统原型。 (4) 将生产管理软件系统原型应用于实际案例,同时结合企业自身的实际情况和特点,开发了大连钢铁集团生产管理系统。 本文所研究开发的面向ERP/MES的钢铁行业集成化生产管理系统,以先进的生产管理理念为指导,采用先进的生产计划调度模型,实现了企业管理层与生产底层的集成,达到了物流、资金流和信息流统一;以先进的建模工具为手段,构造出生产计划和调度整体优化的钢铁企业生产管理系统。通过对本系统的使用,实现了企业生产计划与生产调度的整体优化,最终达到缩短生产周期,加快资金周转,降低成本,提高质量和服务水平,追求最佳经济效益的目标。

【Abstract】 The market competition in steel enterprises becomes severer. The production looks the tendency of many types and small lots. Products with high quality, low price, timely due time, better services are required. For gaining victory in the competition, the enterprises must implement real-time efficient strategies of production management and guarantee the development with agility, continuity and automation. The enterprises must strengthen production management and the link among different departments, fully use the resources to solve the problems of macro-production disorder because of lack of production planning and chaos of control resulted from dissatisfied scheduling systems.The paper does some research for the described problem.1. Through the research of steel information framework and advanced production management theories such as ERP, MES and JIT etc, the paper presents the advanced steel management mode based on the connection of MRPII and JIT.2. Applying the described production management mode, the paper proposes multi-layer hierarchy strategies of production planning and dynamic scheduling. It builds integrative solution for upper management system ERP and lower execution system.3. Using modeling tool UML, the paper analyzes the system functions, design the system structures and set up the software framework.4. Practicing the software prototype and connecting real conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, the production management system of Dalian Steel Corporation is developed. Based on the advanced management theories and modeling of planning and scheduling, thesystem software satisfies the integration of management and production, obtains the unification of flows of material, capital and information. With the advanced means of modeling, the steel management system is built. The system realizes the optimization of planning and scheduling, shorten the cycle of production, quicken the circulation of capital, decrease cost and obtain the goal of optimal economic benefits.

  • 【分类号】F426.3
  • 【被引频次】41
  • 【下载频次】959

