

Modification of Poly (Phthalazinone Ether Ketone)s and Poly (Phthalazinone Ether Sulfone)s

【作者】 何伟

【导师】 蹇锡高;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 材料学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 含二氮杂萘酮结构聚醚砜和聚醚酮是本课题组自主研究开发的一类高性能特种工程塑料,具有良好的可溶解性和极高耐热性,性能价格比优异,具有很好的应用前景,但在加工生产及应用中纯树脂材料亦显示出一些不足之处,比如熔体粘度高导致热成型加工困难,材料脆性较大,摩擦系数较高且磨耗明显,极大地限制了其推广应用,因而需要进行改性。据此,本论文采用熔融共混及溶液共混方式对二氮杂萘联苯结构聚芳醚树脂进行改性,系统研究了改性材料的结构和性能,以期为将来工业化生产和应用提供理论依据。 采用聚醚砜(PES)对含二氮杂萘联苯结构聚芳醚砜(PPES)进行熔融共混改性。用差示扫描量热法(DSC)、扫描电镜(SEM)等方法对该共混体系的相容性进行研究,结果表明PPES/PES共混体系为完全相容体系。并且加入PES后,共混物具有良好力学性能。采用热失重仪(TGA)重点考察了在氮气氛围中PPES热分解动力学,确定其反应级数及反应活化能。实验结果表明PPES热分解分两步进行,反应级数n=1,反应活化能值随失重百分数增加而呈降低趋势,另外PES的加入会降低其热稳定性。采用动态热机械仪(DMTA)对PPES及PPES/PES共混物的动态机械性能进行了检测。实验结果表明,PPES在280℃温度以下,材料的储能模量保持在较高水平,表明材料的热稳定性优异,另外采用DMTA法所有样品只测得一个玻璃化温度峰值,再一次表明PPES/PES为完全共混体系。 通过熔融挤出共混方法制备了PPEK/PPS共混物。采用毛细管流变仪测试了共混物的流变性能,结果表明在所研究的剪切速率和温度范围内,当PPS含量低于40%时,PPEK/PPS共混物为典型的假塑性流体;而当PPS含量为60%时,PPEK/PPS共混物则近似为牛顿流体。PPS的加入可以有效的降低PPEK的熔体粘度,并且能有效改善制品外观。采用热失重(TGA)法考察了PPEK及PPEK/PPS共混物的热稳定性能。实验结果表明PPEK热分解分两步进行,5%热失重温度随升温速率提高而向高温方向移动。PPEK在氮气氛围中热分解不是一级反应,有别于PPES热分解机理。共混加入PPS后,共混物的5%热失重温度没有降低,表明共混材料的热稳性能得到了保持。 采用Ultem 1000聚醚酰亚胺(PEI)对含二氮杂萘酮结构聚醚酮(PPEK)进行了共混改性。用共溶剂法、DSC、SEM等方法对该共混体系的相容性进行研究,结果表明, 大连理工大学硕士学位论文PPEICff,EI为热力学完全相容体系。傅立叶红外吓I-IR)研究结果表明,该共混体系中两组分间没有强的相互作用,共混物较好相容性归因于共混物中两组分间的斥力小于组分自身间斥力。另外,对 PPEK/PEI共混物进行热失重(TGA)测试结果表明,PEI的混入并没有降低PPEK的高温热稳定性。 采用溶液共混法制备了PPEK/PTFE共混物。利用M.200型磨损实验机对样品的干摩擦磨损性能进行了研究,并根据SEM、扫描探针显微镜(SPM)得到的形貌图分析了共混物的磨损机理。实验结果表明:负荷、线速度、共混合金组分等对摩擦形貌、摩擦系数、磨损量、磨耗系数都有较大影响。共混物的热失重(TGA)研究结果表明,在PPEK中共混PTFE可以提高共混物的起始分解温度,并且可提高共混物的最大热失重温度。采用动态热机械仪(DMTA)对PPEICrpTFE共混物的动态机械性能进行研究。研究结果表明,所有测试样品在30℃一230℃范围内,储能模量值随温度升高而降低趋势不明显,当温度达到280℃后,储能模量降低幅度较大。另外,PPEK中加入PTFE后,拉伸强度、冲击强度等物性指标降低。

【Abstract】 Poly (phthalazinone ether ketone)s (PPEKs) and Poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone)s (PPESs), a series of novel high performance polymers with remarkable thermal resistance and solubility developed by Dalian University of Technology, have a strong competitive capability in international markets. However, the pure resin shows some shortcomings in processing and application. For example, the melt viscosity is too high to process and the high friction coefficient and specific wear rate, the brittleness and wear rate is unbeneficial to commercialization. Therefore, blending PPEKs and PPESs with other high performance polymers was adopted in order to improve their properties. In this paper, structures and properties of these blends were studied systematically, which was foundations in their industrialization and application.Melting blends of poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone)(PPES)/poly (ether sulfone)(PES) were prepared by two screw extruder. Miscibility of blends was investigated via differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results show that PPES/PES blends are miscible in all compositions. Excellent mechanical properties were showed for PPES/PES blends. The thermal degradation dynamic of PPES in nitrogen was studied and through thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA). Degradation reacting index and active energy were determined. Two steps are showed for thermal degradation of PPES and the degradation index is 1. Degradation active energy shows a tendency of deduction with the loss weight at elevated temperature. Thermal stability of blends was slightly decreased with increase of PES content. Dynamic mechanical properties of PPES and its blends with PES were determined by using dynamic mechanical testing analysis (DMTA). Storage modulus of PPES is very high under 280 and samples shows outstanding thermal resistance. Only one peak of glass transition temperature is detected for all the samples, which further proves the good miscibility of blends.Poly(phthalazinone ether ketone)(PPEK)/poly(phenylene sulfide)(PPS) blends with different compositions were prepared through two screw extruder. Rheological properties of PPEK/PPS blends were tested in a capillary rheometer. Psedoplastic behaviors are shown forthe blends with PPS content under 40% at chosen shear rates and temperatures, and Newton behavior for the blends containing 60% PPS. Viscosity of PPEK has remarkably decreasing and the appearance is improved after blending with PPS. The thermal stabilities of PPEK and its blends with PPS were studied by TGA. Two steps are shown for thermal degradation of PPEK and 5% weight loss temperatures increases with the rising of heating rate. In nitrogen, degradation reaction index of PPEK is not 1, which shows there are different mechanisms of degradation for PPEK and PPES. 5% weight loss temperatures for all the blends almost remain, which indicates blends still have good thermal stabilities.PPEK were modified by blending with poly(ether imide)(PEI). Phase behaviors of blends were studied using ternary-solution methods, DSC, SEM. The results show that PPEK/PEI and PPEKK/PEI blends are miscible in all compositions. The FT-IR results yield evidence that physical interactions leading to miscibility or compatibility of these blends are weak and no apparent specific interactions exist between two polymers in the blends. Therefore, the miscibility of PPEK/PEI blends could be contributed to the lower repulsion between the two constituent polymers. The blends have excellent high-temperature resistance according to TGA of blends.PPEK and poly(tetrailuoro ethylene)(PTFE) blends were prepared via solution blending. Tribological properties of blends were tested on a M-200 wear testing machine and wearing mechanism were analyzed on the base of SEM and scanning probe microscope controller (SPM). Effects of loads, velocities, and compositions on morphologies, friction coefficients, wear volume and rates are very remarkable. According to TGA, onset degradation temperatures and maximal deg

  • 【分类号】TQ326
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】239

