

【作者】 赵旭

【导师】 谭国真;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化步伐的加快和高科技的广泛应用,计算机网络在全球范围内已日益普及。当前网络带宽不断提高,上网变得越来越简单,越来越便宜网上速度越来越快,通过移动终端上网已成为现实。因此互联网成为人们信息交流的主渠道。从而为现代社会的城市交通管理动态信息发布,提供了坚实的技术保障和广泛的用户。 顺畅有序的交通是现代化城市的重要标志。为了保证道路畅通不塞车,就必须建立智能交通管理体系。而“智能”的基础首先是要有足够的信息,只有采集到需要的信息,经过分析、处理并传送或发布到需要的地方,才有可能进行下一步的智能控制或管理。未来智能交通管理的基础是交通信息的采集和发布,因此城市交通动态信息发布系统应运而生。 随着互联网的发展,移动终端互联网技术已开始应用,并将在汽车中广泛应用,为此将实时交通信息送入互联网已势在必行。通过互联网可以将实时交通信息及时提供给广大交通参与者,使之能及时了解前方交通状况,选择最佳行车路线。能否将实时交通信息送入互联网,是衡量城市智能交通管理水平的重要标志。 本交通信息网的总体设计是利用互联网技术,以交通控制、电视监控、车辆管理、驾驶员管理、闯红灯自动记录等系统提供的实时交通信息为基础,建成集实时路况、信息发布、热线解答、违章查询、交通法规查询、服务指南等为一体的综合信息平台。 本文是信息技术,网络技术和交通管理相结合,理论与实践相结合的课题。文中介绍了以城市交通控制系统为基础,结合先进的互联网网络技术建成动态交通信息网的方案。重点阐述了动态交通信息网的设计思想、主要功能和系统构成。 该项目技术难度大,创新程度高,推动科技进步作用明显,并取得了十分显著的社会效益,有着广阔的发展前景和潜在的效益,为推动我国智能交通管理系统的发展奠定了基础 在推广方面具备如下特点:技术先进,运行稳定,应用范围广;系统软件及硬件设备通用,易于推广;应用软件功能强,便于移植;系统具有灵活性和扩展性,可根据各地实际情况分布实施;系统造价低,并且己与维护,运行稳定 随着我国交通智能化建设的不断发展,交通信息的采集、分析处理、发布及共享也变得越来越重要。而且随着网络技术的发展和带宽的不断提高,建立交通信息网己经成为大势所趋。城市交通管理动态信息发布系统的投入使用,将对我国城市交通信息化的建设起到示范和推动作用。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of Internet, moving terminal Internet technology has already begun application, And the extensive application in the automobile. For this reason, it is already imperative to send the real-time traffic information into Internet. Can offer the real-time traffic information to the masses of traffic participants in time through Internet, Make it can find out about the traffic state of the front in time, choose the best running route. Whether could send the real-time traffic information into Internet, it is the important sign of weighing the intelligent traffic management level in the city.The overall design of this traffic information network is to utilize Internet technology, Control with traffic, TV control, vehicle management, driver manage, make a dash across the red light and write down real-time traffic information that system offer for foundation automatically, Build up and collect real-time road conditions, information issue, hot line answer, violating the regulations inquiry, traffic regulation inquiry, service guide, etc. For integrative integrated information platform.This text is the information technology, the network technology combines with traffic administration, the subject that the theory combines with practice. Have recommended being based on urban traffic control system in the article, combine advanced network technology of Internet and build up the scheme of the dynamic traffic information net. Have explained design philosophy, main function and forming systematically of the dynamic traffic information network especially.Possess the following characteristic in popularizing: Modern techniques, run steady, the range of application is wide; The systems soft ware and equipment of hardware are interchangeable, easy to popularize; The function of application software is strong, easy to transplant; The system has flexibility and expanding nature, is distributed and implemented according to the regional actual conditions; Systematic fabrication cost low, and already with maintain, run steadily.With the constant development of intelligent construction of traffic of our country, gathering, analyse that becomes more and more important to deal with, issues and share of traffic information. And with development of the network technology and the raising constantly of width, setting up the information network of traffic has already become the trend of the times. Coming into operation of traffic administration dynamic information issuing system of the city, will play a demonstrating and promote role to the construction of the informationization of urban traffic of our country.

  • 【分类号】TP393.02
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】266

