

【作者】 李强

【导师】 张丽华;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文应用调查研究方法,调查问卷法、统计分析方法、咨询方法及理论应用方法针对平庄西露天矿这个已投入运营多年、需要进行产业调整,职工的职业发展出现接续问题。努力寻找职业培训发展新途径和方法,为国家进行产业调整造成的结构性失业提供关于职工职业发展方面的借鉴。同时也可为其他公司职工提供职工培训方面的参考。 职业发展是职工个人的事,职工个人应该对其负有主要责任,但企业同样也有责任,要对职工职业发展进行科学管理、培训及开发,为他们提供必要的职业指导和职业发展空间,并将企业战略目标、经营目标同个人职业目标结合起来,实现企业、个人共同发展。尤其像西露天矿这样的企业更应该同国家一道承担起这个责任,制定职工的分流计划,对各类人员进行相应培训,帮助他们提高和完善各种技能,以实现职工职业的有序、正常发展。 首先,设计制定了西露天矿职业发展总体规划,对职工进行分流,并为工人和技术人员设计了双重职业发展道路:即技术道路和管理道路。其次,对各类人员进行相应地、有针对性的培训及开发。 企业对寻求自我发展人员给予特别的培训,为他们提供正规教育,包括学校教育、在职或脱产的企业培训课程。提供社会性学习的机会,努力提高自我发展人员素质和能力,其次进行应聘技能的培训,让他们掌握个人简历的手写规则,了解面试礼仪及面试注意事项,在应聘时做到冷静、从容应对,把自己的才华充分展现出来。对中老年职工要求他们提前退休,为消除他们由于提早离职而产生的被公司抛弃感及退休后无所事事而产生的空虚感,也要对他们进行必要的培训。帮助他们安排好退休后的生活。使他们平稳渡过退休调整期,安享晚年。 职工要对职业发展进行个人自我评估,通过各种信息来重新审视自己的职业兴趣、价值观,根据现有条件和资源重新设定自己的奋斗目标,并不断地对它进行调整。做到使自己满意、企业满意。 在此基础上,要建立健全职工职业发展管理制度,建立企业职工个人发展培训档案。实现培训有针对性和职工职业发展管理现代化、规范化即动态化。

【Abstract】 The career development is a thing concerned by every company’ s staff. It is not only to make a career plan but also to manage it. And most important Is providing the employee training according to their career interest and needs.The west opencast mine is an old mine that is going to be bankrupted and to turn to underground mining, its staff member must be divide into different section and how to train them is the most important task of the mine, for this reason the firm has made a detailed plan to arrange the employee and provide training for the staff , to improve their working skill and performance, so as to make the miner obtain much more developments and to realize their life value . The west open-cot mine provides different methods for different employee team . For example they provides working skill training and adventure learning to train ordinary worker , leader training to the manager and team training to technical staff .In order to get rid of the feeling-abandoned by the firm , which is caused by pre-retirement and in order to arrange their life . the west open-cast mine provides special training for the pre-retirement . such as calligraphy, chess etc entertainments training.The west open-cast mine has designed the double career development road for works of miners, enhancing the developing chance to make them be the technical staff or manager of the mine .

【关键词】 职业职业培训职业发展学习
【Key words】 traincareercareer trainingcareer developmentlearning
  • 【分类号】F425.15
  • 【下载频次】155

