

【作者】 刘崇恩

【导师】 原毅军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 胜利油田是我国的重要石油生产基地,为我国的经济建设做出了重大贡献,在30多年的油气勘探开发实践中形成了自己的优势。但是,同国内其他油田一样,目前面临后备资源不足、勘探开发难度增大等问题,加上庞大的生产队伍给企业的经营带来了严重的威胁。我国的石油供应从1993年其就一直处于净进口的局面,而且,进口原油和成品油的数量将会随着国民经济的发展而增加,在国内石油资源不能满足需要的情况下,参与国外油气资源的勘探开发,从国外取得资源,无论是对企业的发展还是国民经济的发展都是十分必要的。本文旨在为胜利油田及国内同行在利用国际油气资源方面提出一些建议。 本文介绍了国际油气资源的潜力和分布,论述了国际油气资源勘探开发的特点,对竞争对手进行了分类,重点对我们从事国际油气资源勘探开发关系密切的外国国家石油公司和主要跨国石油公司进行了介绍,剖析了国家石油公司和跨国石油公司的发展历程和发展战略,以此为我们迈向国际舞台提供一些成功的经验。 丰富的国际油气资源为我们在其他油气资源国进行勘探开发活动提供了施展才能的大舞台,但是进入他国进行勘探开发既要面临更加剧烈的竞争,也要克服由于环境的差异所带来的困难,尤其是要对资源所有国的石油法规、石油合同有清醒的认识。本文分析了自有跨国勘探开发以来的石油合同的种类和发展趋势,以便使我们的石油企业做到知己知彼,在跨国勘探开发经营活动中做出科学的决策。 SWOT分析已经成为公司发展战略研究的通用工具,作为石油企业在国际市场上进行勘探开发,面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁有其特殊性。本文在对油公司的内部和外部环境分析的基础上,提出了面对风险的战略决策方法和判定标准,并列举了油公司应该采取的不同发展战略,即:全方位战略、地区优势战略、技术战略、低成本战略、特殊风险战略。同时还指出了适合于胜利的战略。另外,本文对世界上各个油气聚集区的油气资源状况、法律法规、投资环境和合作勘探开发情况一一做了分析,对适合于我们的区域进行了排队。提出了五种市场进入的方式和途径以及合适的合同方式的选择。最后,对世界各国的石油公司所采用的不同的管理模式类型进行了对比分析,提出了我们在过去计划体制下建立起来的管理模式(组织和人力资源)应进行相应的改造,建立与跨国经营相适应的组织机构和管理机制,同时也提出了在跨国经营中人力资源管理的具体做法。开拓国际油气资源市场,是胜利油田以及我国其他石油勘探开发企业发展的必由之路。

【Abstract】 Shengli Oilfield is one of the main petroleum industry bases in China. It has been playing an important role in Chinese economy growth since 1960s. Just as other oilfields in Eastern China, Shengli’s huge production employment becomes a serious burden for its future development without sufficient petroleum resources underground. At the same time, China became a net oil importer from 1993. Therefore, it is necessary for Shengli to engage the exploration for and exploitation of international petroleum resources, which will bring benefit not only for Shengli itself, but also for the whole country’s economy. The aim of this thesis is to make some strategic suggestions for state-owned oil companies like Shengli to do their international Exploration & Production business.The world’s petroleum potential and distribution are shown in this thesis. The characteristics of international exploration and production (E&P) are introduced and Shengli’s competitors are classified and profiled. Shengli can learn a lot from the success operation of the major oil companies and the national oil companies across the world.Abundant oil resources provide China’s oil companise a lot of chances to do operation internationally. However, the competition is fiercer and the business environment is totally different for the operation associated with E&P activities in international resources market. It is essential important to be acquainted with the host country’s petroleum laws, legislation and petroleum contract. The types and the changing trends of petroleum contracts are illustrated, so that Chinese oil companies can make scientific decisions based on a better understanding of themselves and the outside settings.SWOT analysis is a useful tool in the process of strategy research. The S, W, O and T for oil companies have their unique characteristics. Each company shall adopt a strategy that is suitable according to its strength. The main oil producing areas are ranked based on the analysis of their potential, legislation, investment and cooperation settings. Five resources market entrance methods and suitable operation ways are proposed. And finally, the business management system and human resources system should be reconstructed in order to do international E&Ps. Shengli and many others are and shall be able to be qualified to do international businesses.

  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】243

