

【作者】 韩力

【导师】 仲秋雁;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对大连大起集团技术中心存在的一些问题,如员工工作积极性不高,技术人员流失现象,从现行激励机制入手,对产生问题的原因进行分析,并制定出有效的激励机制,以激发员工的工作积极性,提高组织的绩效。 文章对现代流行的激励理论(内容型、过程型、综合型激励理论)进行分析,采用波特尔和劳勒的综合激励模型,总结出激励机制所包含的内容:薪酬、福利、工作、培训和职业生涯发展,并对现行激励机制的以上几方面进行调研,分析其利弊,找出其存在的问题主要有:薪酬竞争力不足,工资结构缺乏合理性,考核缺乏透明度;福利措施(尤其是住房问题)实施不力;工作缺乏挑战性;缺乏员工的系统性培训;职业发展路线单一等。针对以上问题,分析了员工的需要特点,制定了相应的激励措施。通过职位分析,职位评价,薪酬调查,薪酬定位和薪酬结构设计,制定出一套科学、合理、公开的薪酬制度框架;福利制度重点是提供住房贷款利息给付计划,为技术骨干购买商业人寿保险等;工作内容上增加挑战性;组织实施员工的培训计划,鼓励员工进行专业技术和管理技能的学习;提供与行政级别平行的技术职务升迁通道。文章还分析了企业现状对激励机制实施的阻力,指出建立有效的薪酬制度和住房贷款利息给付计划是可行的,可以实施以内部培训为主、外部培训为辅的培训手段,员工职业发展的多跑道政策须暂缓实施。

【Abstract】 Technical personnel running off and low enthusiasm are the problems existed in Dalian Crane Works Technique Center. The article aim at the current inspirational mechanism, analyzing the reason, working out effective inspirational mechanism and discussing the feasibility.The article analyzing modern inspirational theories including content, course and integration mode. Adopting integration inspirational mode, summarizing the content of inspirational mechanism including salary, welfare, work, train and occupation development. Investigating the above aspect of current inspirational mechanism, analyzing advantages and disadvantages. Find out the main problems as follow: salary is not competitive, salary system lack of rationality, performance checking is not diaphanous, welfare implement not do its best, work lack of challenge, employee lack of training, occupation route narrow. In allusion to the problems above, analyzing the characteristic of employee’s demand, working out relevant inspirational measure. Through position analyzing and estimating, salary investigating, salary orientation and salary structure designing, working out a scientific, rational and open salary system. The emphases of welfare is to provide payment of house loan interest, purchasing life insurance for technical cadremen, etc. Increasing challenge to working contents, organizing train plan to employee, encouraging study the skill of speciality and management. Providing promote chunnel for technical personnel. The article also analyzing the resistance comes from enterprise and indicate that building effective salary system and payment of house loan interest is feasible, give priority to interior training, assisting with exterior training, while providing promote chunnel for technical personnel should be deferred.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】156

