

【作者】 娄庆英

【导师】 李明伟; 张铁岩;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在国内电力企业的市场化进程不断加深的情况下,电力生产企业以及电力管理部门,对电力市场营销管理系统提出了越来越高的要求,如分时计价、动态用户需求显示等。本文通过对国内外电力市场营销管理系统所应用的数据库技术状态的分析,以及笔者亲身参与开发的电力市场营销管理系统——阜新供电局用电营业管理系统实际运行结果分析,明确了国内同国外的技术差距,指明了国内技术发展方向。笔者认为,为了适应电力企业以及电力管理部门的实际需要,缩短同国外的技术差距,应该在如下三个方面有所改进。 1.采用大型分布式数据库系统管理大量复杂的数据; 2.原来的一个系统改为三个独立的系统,各个系统之间分别设置数据接口,以此进行数据传输; 3.软件的发展离不开硬件的支持。目前的情况是,硬件的发展已大大落后于软件的发展;应当投入更多的努力,开发诸如分时计价电表等急需的硬件系统。

【Abstract】 With the further transformation of marketing in electricity entities, more such requirements as real-time pricing, instantaneous indication are needed as to the management of marketing information system (MIS). By technically analyzing database of MIS from both home and abroad, and the real MIS developed by me and my cooperators, the technical gaps between home and abroad are discussed, and the technical trends of MIS development are also pointed out. It is concluded that the following are what we ought to devote ourself to doing :A. Large -scale Database system should be applied into the management of a large amount of complicated data.B. The single system should be divided into three systems, each of which has its own data interface in order to transmiss data.C. More advanced hardwares ought to be developed to match the development of MIS .

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】244

