

【作者】 肖兴

【导师】 王东华;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代到来,新的管理思想不断冲击着传统的企业管理模式,全球企业迎来了新的变革浪潮,供应链管理理论在不断推广应用,为现代企业物资管理提出了新的课题。 根据供应链管理理论,对广州石化物资管理中的采购管理、供应商管理等业务流程及物资管理信息系统存在的主要问题,提出具体的对策。 组织结构和业务流程是实施供应链管理的基础,传统的物资管理是多头分散式的。根据广州石化内部供应链的分析,提出建立物流管理中心的设想,并对物资管理中的业务流程进行重组,特别是对计划管理、备品备件管理进行重组,减少不确定性因素的影响,从而实现物资管理的有效连接。 分析广州石化物资采购的现状,找出目前存在的问题,探讨从为库存采购到为订单、需求采购及外部资源管理的转变,实施战略协作伙伴关系和准时制采购的对策。同时,在物资采购中,特别提出对供应商管理的重要性,建立了对供应商选择评价的方法、体系。 信息共享是供应链管理的基本要求,物质管理是供应链管理中的关节点,物资管理信息系统的建立与完善相当重要,针对广州石化物资管理信息系统存在的问题,提出完善物资管理信息系统的具体措施并建立一个开放的商情信息管理模式。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, conflict between the traditional management and the up-to-date management theory is becoming more and more serious, especially with the advent of knowledge economic times. As a result, material management in modern enterprises is facing challenges arising from the spreading and application of Supply Chain Management (SCM).According to the SCM theory, this paper proposes some solution to the main problems existing in the business process such as purchasing, suppliers’ management and information system relating to material management in Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex (GPC).The organizational structure and the business process are the basis for implementing SCM. Different part plays different role and works independently in traditional material management system. Based on the analysis of internal supply chain in GPC, the idea to establish a logistic center is put forward in the paper. The business process reorganization (BPR), especially for the planing management and spare part management, which aims to reduce uncertainty and get an effective connection in material management, is also discussed in great detail.Based on the analysis of current status of material purchasing in GPC, the paper dedicates to pursuing the strategies for a shift from stock purchasing to requisition purchasing, the external resource management, forging strategic cooperation partnership, and implementing timely purchasing. The most important in material purchasing is the suppliers’ management, which means the evaluation of suppliers and the selection of the most suitable one.Information sharing is the basic requirement in SCM, especially in the essential part of SCM, e. g. material management. The paper putsforward concrete measures for improving MIS as per problems existing in the MIS of GPC and establishing an open business information system in GPC.

【关键词】 供应链物资管理对策
【Key words】 Supply chainMaterial managementStrategy
  • 【分类号】F425.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】368

