

Research on Hybrid Active Power Filter of Traction Substations and Its Controller

【作者】 唐敏

【导师】 李群湛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 交—直型电力机车的大量使用使得我国电气化铁道负荷谐波含量高的问题尤为突出。为此,我国电气化铁道的惯用办法是在牵引变电所安装3次单调谐滤波器,这种方法的滤波效果远不能满足要求。有源电力滤波器能够克服无源电力滤波器滤波能力不足、滤波特性受系统参数的影响大,可能发生谐波放大等缺点有效地抑制谐波。但是,由于有源电力滤波器的成本较高,因此,将有源电力滤波器与无源电力滤波器结合组成混合电力滤波器是目前治理电气化铁道谐波污染的较好方案。 论文所做的工作是在铁道部科技研究开发计划项目:《牵引变电所可调无功补偿与滤波技术综合研究》研究成果的基础上进行的。对于有源电力滤波器、无源电力滤波器串接后并联在母线上构成固定滤波支路进行谐波补偿的方案进行了讨论,力图将有源电力滤波器和无源电力滤波器作为一个整体,综合考虑滤波效果,设备安全,和投资成本等因素,针对现场实际,对于串接式并联混合电力滤波器的硬件和软件进行工程化的详细设计。 文章讨论了牵引变电所混合电力滤波器最佳安装位置及其与可调无功补偿器配合方案,讨论了有源电力滤波器逆变器的结构、类型及其PWM控制方式。 给出了基于主要设备最低投资的混合电力滤波器参数优化模型及算法,利用现场实测数据为西昌北牵引变电所设计了混合电力滤波器的主要参数。讨论了有源电力滤波器的输出滤波器参数的设计的准则,编制了优化程序,给出了设计结果。设计了有源电力滤波器的控制系统,控制系统包括指令产生控制器和指令跟踪控制器。由于有源电力滤波器对指令跟踪环节的相位特性的要求很严格,因此,对其指令跟踪控制器的设计显得格外重要。而目前对于有源电力滤波器的研究主要集中在指令产生控制器上,讨论指令跟踪控制器的很少。本文详细讨论了指令跟踪控制器的设计。 利用Matlab/simulink中的电力系统模块构造了单相器件级仿真电路。并对本文进行的理论分析及设计结果进行了仿真验证。在分析滤波效果时,通过系统变换,将牵引供电系统三相—两相—单相联系起来,达到了用单相仿真模型得到两相和三相仿真效果的目的。仿真结果表明所提出的方案有很好的滤波效果,控制系统有良好的鲁棒性和较快的响应速度。

【Abstract】 In our country single_phase rectifier drives most electric locomotives, which produce many harmonic currents. Nowadays , in our country most traction substations use 3 orders single tuned passive filters to suppress harmonics, the performance of this way is far from satisfied. So it is necessary for us to take new steps to suppress harmonics well. Active power filter can overcome the shortcomings of passive power filter and suppress harmonics caused by electric locomotives well, but the cost of active power filter is very high .Using hybrid power filter consisting of passive power filter and active power filter can avoid the shortcomings of passive power filters and active power filter but retain their advantages. So it is an ideal scheme for us to suppress harmonics of electrified railway.The main work of this dissertation is based on the research result of "Comprehensive research on harmonic suppression and adjustable compensation for reactive power in traction substations" project which is supported by science and technology department of railway ministry. This dissertation discusses a type of hybrid power filter that is connected in parallel with the bar to suppress harmonics of electrified railway. This dissertation try to design hardware and software of the hybrid power filter in detail considering factors including investment, security and filtering performance.This dissertation discusses best installing position of the hybrid power filter and the scheme for the hybrid power filter to work with an adjustable reactive power compensation device .The style of invertor and control method of PWM are discussed in this dissertation.The mathematical model and arithmetic of optimization design on least investment of the hybrid power filter are given in this dissertation. By using detecting data from a certain traction substation this dissertation designs hybrid power filters for it. The dissertation discusses designing rule of output filters of APF, write optimization program to design the output filters and give the result of the design.Control system is designed for the hybrid power filter. The control system is composed of controller for forming output voltage command and controller forfollowing command. Active power filter needs a link for following command with strict phase characteristic, so the design of controller for following command is very important. Nowadays research about active power filter is mainly focused on controller for forming output voltage command and little on controller for following command. Design of controller for following command is discussed in detail.To prove the result of theoretical analysis and design a simulation model for a certain traction substation is established under the MATLAB /Simulink flat. The simulation results show that the proposed hybrid filter gives satisfactory performance and the control system is robust and has good tracking characteristic.

  • 【分类号】TM922.4
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】386

