

Development Strategy of Chinese Estate Intermediary Enterprise

【作者】 何伦伦

【导师】 刁明碧;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在21世纪,只有适者才能生存。我国加入WTO后,每一个行业都会面临一场竞争和考验。 随着房地产市场的成熟,房地产中介业将会在发展中不断整合、淘汰以进行自我规范与提高。而要在竞争日益激烈的市场中占据一席之地并谋求新的发展,房地产中介企业只有以长远眼光来思考所要采用的战略,以获得竞争优势,从而最终赢得市场份额。 本文的分析基于企业战略管理和企业核心能力的理论框架,运用了信息经济学、博弈论和企业核心竞争力理论的相关内容。对入世后我国房地产中介企业的竞争态势进行了分析。首先,从宏观环境分析房地产市场的现状,然后运用了Michael Porter“竞争分析模型”以及SWOT分析法对房地产中介行业的特征进行了研究。 接下来,本文探讨了如何建立我国房地产中介企业的竞争优势评价体系。通过建立“房地产中介企业的竞争优势指数评价模型”,分析了取得竞争优势的主导力量。并提出了建立我国房地产中介企业竞争优势的重点在构建企业的特有的几种核心能力。 本文的重点放在了构建入世后我国房地产中介企业竞争优势上。提出了实施等待或细分市场战略、战略联盟战略、特许连锁模式战略、搭建信息系统平台、人力资源战略等建议。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, only one who has adaptive abilities can survive. After we join in WTO, every industry in China has to face competence and test.With the maturity of real estate, the estate intermediary industry will standardize itself and improve by conformity or washing out in the process of development .If the estate intermediary enterprise want to gain share and the new development, it must take into account how to gain competitive advantage by set up core competence.The analysis is based by the theoretic frame of strategy management and core competence, and use the theory of Information Economics, Games and Core Competence .The competitive situation of the estate intermediary enterprise in China is discussed .At first, the actualities of the real estate ’market is analyzed through discussing the macroeconomics economic circumstances. Later, we study the characters of the estate intermediary industry by SWOT and Michael Porter’s competence analysis model.Then, how design the index system that evaluates the core competence of the estate intermediary enterprises in China is discussed .At first, we design The Index System that evaluates the core competence of the estate intermediary enterprises Model, and analyze the dominant factors with it. Second, we suggest that we should set up several core competences.To set up the competitive advantage of the estate intermediary enterprises in China is emphasis of the article .we suggest some advises including -waiting or fractionated-market strategy, establishing Information-Resource system, Strategic Alliances, concessionary chainstore strategy and Human resource strategy etc.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】793

