

Design and Realization of Virtual Frequency Spectrum Analyzer

【作者】 丁娜

【导师】 林国斌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文设计的虚拟频谱分析仪结合了虚拟仪器技术、频谱校正技术和软件编程技术,借助于数据采集系统将被测信号采集到主控计算机内,利用虚拟仪器进行测量和分析,并将结果输出到屏幕或报表中,从而完成整个测试过程。围绕虚拟频谱分析仪的设计和实现这个主题,本文研究了频谱分析仪的原理和仪器各项功能的实现方法,并对软件设计中遇到的主要问题作了重点分析,提出了解决的方法,使最后实现的虚拟频谱分析仪能达到国家有关电网谐波检测仪器的A级标准。 首先,本文介绍了虚拟仪器的硬件结构,对其与传统仪器的区别进行了比较。概述了虚拟仪器开发平台HP VEE的特点,并且对比分析了几种典型的虚拟仪器开发平台。 然后,详细介绍了虚拟仪器的软件设计。分析了虚拟仪器中各种功能模块的程序设计和实现的算法,在此基础上,设计和实现了虚拟频谱分析仪的各项功能。其中重点分析在频域分析中遇到的问题以及解决的方法。为了使虚拟仪器频谱分析的结果更加准确,论文研究了目前应用广泛的频谱校正技术,并对三种相位差频谱校正技术进行了仿真实验和综合比较,提出了推荐采用的技术。 最后,结合VXI仪器对软件和硬件系统进了调试,并通过对标准信号的采集和分析,验证了虚拟频谱分析仪的各项功能达到设计目的,以及该虚拟仪器的实用性。

【Abstract】 The virtual analyzer of frequency spectrum has combined the technology of virtual instrument, spectrum correcting and software programming. With data acquisition system, the experiment data are put into the master computer, analyzed and measured by the virtual instrument. The results are transmitted into the monitor or file. Involved the topic of designing and realization of virtual frequency spectrum analyzer, the theories of frequency spectrum analyzer and the realizing methods of the instrument functions are researched. The problems during designing software are analyzed in detail, and the ways of solving these problems are introduced. The virtual frequency spectrum analyzer reached the A class standard about instrument of analyzing power harmonic.First of all, the hardware structure of virtual instrument is introduced. The difference between virtual instrument and traditional instrument is compared. The character of HP-VEE is summarized and some different computer software platforms are compared.Then, the basic theories of software designing are introduced. The arithmetic and program for designing and realizing the function module of the virtual instrument is wrote up in detail. On this basis an application software system of virtual frequency spectrum analyzer is developed.It is emphasized on the problems of signal analyzing in frequency-field and ways of solving these problems. In order to make the analyzing results of virtual instrument more accurate, the spectrum correcting technology is studied. After analyzing three existing methods for phase difference correcting on discrete spectrum, it is recommended to correct the spectrum by the first phase difference correcting method.Finally, in combination with VXI instrument the software system is debugged. All functions of the system are tested through using standard signals. The design aim is achieved and the practicability is tested and verified.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1275

