

Profibus-Based Tunnel Monitor & Control System

【作者】 边泽强

【导师】 王开文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会,信息技术的迅猛发展已经深入到各个领域,对传统的监控模式产生了极大的影响。现场总线技术以其结构简单、费用低、易于维护、可靠性高、开放性等多种优势日渐成为自动化领域的热点。基于现场总线的控制系统(FCS)以其诸多优点在工业监控领域引起了一场划时代的变革。目前,随着国家加大基础设施建设力度,路网建设将成为投资的重点之一,很多地方因为所处的地理位置的缘故,隧道在线路总长中占有很大比例,个别地段可达到40-50%以上。由于隧道特殊的通车环境,大部分需建隧道监控系统,以保证隧道内通车的安全畅通。现在,新建隧道的监控系统以及旧监控系统的改造需要一种更安全、更可靠、更高效的解决方案,融合现场总线技术的隧道监控系统方案,是一种很好的途径。 本文首先介绍了隧道监控系统的现状,然后对PROFIBUS现场总线技术进行了详述。在此基础上,对基于冗余光纤PROFIBUS—DP的隧道监控系统进行了设计研究,并对隧道现场主要监控设备区域控制器进行了研制,最后详细介绍了作者所参入的达万铁路隧道通风监控系统和上界高速公路隧道监控系统的网络结构和软硬件设计,并对其中的一些主要的控制问题进行了研究。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, as the development of information technology, the traditional way of monitor and control has been influenced deeply. Fieldbus technology is becoming more and more popular because of its simpleness in structure and easiness in maintain and high reliability and openness. Control system based on Fieldbus(PCS) has caused an epoch-making change in industry control realm. Now, along with the national enlargement foundation on basic establishment, road net developments will become one of the investment’s points, lots of places because of their geography position have a large number of tunnel. Because of their special environment, many of them need tunnel monitor and control system(TMCS). So, new tunnel monitor and control system and old ones need a safer and better efficiency resolution. Fieldbus is a good replacement.First, this text introduced the present condition of TMCS and the PROFIBUS technology, then design a new TMCS based on redundancy ray PROFIBUS. Last, tunnel monitor and control system of DaWan railroad and Shangjie superhighway are introduced in detail.

  • 【分类号】U456
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】289

