

Research about Tobacco Enterprises Building up Brand Strategy

【作者】 陈军

【导师】 吴敬业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来烟草行业销售量及实现税利一直保持稳定的增长,随着中国加入WTO,烟草行业面临更加剧烈的市场竞争。在巨大的市场机会和日趋激烈的市场竞争中,国内烟草企业在不断发展壮大的同时也存在许多问题,主要表现在以下几个方面:1、生产企业过多但规模小;2、企业技术水平低;3、企业管理水平和经济效益低下;4、产品个性化不突出;5、企业多元化效益低下;6、企业人才队伍缺乏激励机制。7、产品缺乏国际竞争力等。 面对中国烟草企业在市场竞争中存在的种种问题,本文从实际出发,对国内烟草企业的市场营销环境和竞争格局、企业多元化和国际化发展现状,以及企业人才战略做了全面详细的分析,深入研究了国内烟草企业在现阶段面临的市场机遇与挑战。并依据烟草产品的特点,结合国内外品牌创建战略的相关研究和国内外企业品牌创建的实际案例,得出如下结论:烟草企业赢得市场竞争的关键是推行品牌战略。烟草企业品牌战略的实施主要从三个方面开展:1、市场战略。烟草企业首先要搞好市场细分和市场定位,然后要突出产品的个性化,最后从产品、渠道和促销等方面加强市场营销。2、组织发展战略。烟草企业面临入世后激烈的国际国内竞争,企业多元化和国际化是企业发展壮大的必然选择。3、人才战略。烟草企业在实施人才战略的过程中要重点突出,通过激励机制、学术交流等方式抓好人才建设。 本文在分析和研究中提出:1、以市场营销战略、组织发展战略和人才战略为基本点进行烟草企业品牌创建。2、烟草企业市场战略的根本思路是市场定位和突出品牌个性。 在全球经济一体化的进程中,国内烟草企业的发展正面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。怎样才能保持企业竞争优势、实现企业的可持续发展是众多烟草企业关注的首要问题。本文的观点和主张希望能够对烟草企业的发展起到一定的参考和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Tobacco industry has had a steady-speed growth in sales and profit for tens of years. With China’s entry of WTO, tobacco industry faces fiercer competition. It mainly shows as the following: 1 .The number of tobacco enterprises is too much; 2.The level of technology is low; 3.The level of management and profit is low; 4.The products have no individuality; 5.The profit of enterprises diversity are small; 6.The enterprise lack incentive system; 7.The products have no international competitive force.Facing these problems that exists in civil tobacco enterprises, and according to actual situation, I completely analyzed tobacco enterprises’ marketing environment, competitive pattern, and the actual situation of enterprise diversification, internationalization, and human resource. On the basis of tobacco products’ features, combined with national&international research and cases about brand, I achieved conclusion as the following: Implementing brand strategy is the key for tobacco enterprises in fierce competition. The brand strategy includes: 1.Marketing strategy. Tobacco enterprises make market partition and positioning, the emphasize product individuality, and strengthen marketing from product, place and promotion etc; 2.Organization development strategy. Facing fierce competition, tobacco enterprises have to choose diversification and internationalization; 3.Human resource strategy. Tobacco enterprises need to emphasize key talents, with incentive system, technological communication etc.There are some views in this article: 1. Tobacco enterprises should build up brand strategy on the basis of marketing strategy, organization development strategy, and human resource strategy; 2.The key of marketing strategy is positioning and individuality.Push ahead by the tide of the integration, information and internationalization of the world, tobacco enterprises are facing excellent developing chance. Chance and challenge co-existed, how to keep the competition advantage and bring about tobacco enterprises continuous development is the most important to tobaccoenterprises. I devoutly hope that this thesis will give a hand to enterprises’ development.

【关键词】 烟草企业品牌营销组织人才
【Key words】 Tobacco enterprisesBrandMarketingHuman resource
  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】564

