

Research of Testing System of the Alternating Transmission Diesel Locomotive Output Tet-Bed Based on VXI Bus

【作者】 高燕

【导师】 林建辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 交流传动技术已成为当今世界上牵引动力高新技术的标志。随着我国铁路事业的发展,交流传动内燃机车已经成为机车发展的主要方向。又由于铁道部规定,机车出厂前必须进行相关的试验和调试。因此建立交流传动内燃机车出厂试验台就显得尤为重要了。 随着计算机技术和测量仪器技术的发展,基于各种总线数据采集系统也得到了飞速发展,对比基于ISA、PCI、PXI总线的数据采集系统,基于VXI总线的数据采集系统拥有众多的优势,理应成为数据采集系统的首选。 本论文应用现代测试技术,结合铁道部九五技改重点投入项目,研制出了基于VXI总线的交流传动内燃机车出厂试验台测试系统。论文从测试系统方案的论证、传感器的选型与配置、硬件系统的选型与配置、软件系统的开发以及对系统进行一些抗干扰措施防护等,研制出了四方机车车辆厂交流传动内燃机车出厂试验台测试系统。测试系统方案的论证从系统集成方面考虑,在设计之初考虑了各种方面因素的作用,所选方案达到了系统集成的各种要求;传感器的选型与配置从试验台需要测试的各种物理量考虑,最终选择了能够准确测量所测物理量的传感器;硬件系统的选型与配置从厂方对试验台的要求考虑,对比各种数据采集系统,最后采用了基于VXI总线的数据采集系统,满足了厂方要求试验台具有高速、大容量、实时采集、高可靠性等性能;软件系统的开发利用了UML(统一建模语言)搭构了整个软件框架,采用面向对象编程技术,并很好地运用了可视化编程语言Delphi5,编写了包括灵活配置、数据采集、数据库管理、数据处理、试验报表自动生成等功能在内的一个大型软件;在抗干扰措施的防护方面,主要在电源地和信号地的接法上以及电缆传输线上采取了防护措施。 按照四方机车车辆厂对试验台的要求,通过在实验室的软硬件调试,该测试系统满足了厂方的各种需要,达到了预期的设计效果。

【Abstract】 Technology of alternating transmission has became the milestone of new technology in the tractive power field around the world. With the development of the railway industry in our country, alternating transmission diesel locomotive leads the direction of the development of locomotive. In accordance with the Regulations of Ministry of Railway, locomotive must pass relevant test and debug before output. Therefore the establishment of the out-of-factory test-bed is an indispensable and crucial part in the production of alternating transmission diesel locomotive.With the development of computer technology and testing instrument technology, the data acquisition system based on a variety of data bus has also developed fleetly. Compared with other data acquisition system based on ISA, PCI, PXI bus, more advantages are provided when the system is based on VXI bus, which makes it become the chief choice in data acquisition system.With the application of modem testing technology, the paper researches and develops a testing system based on VXI bus, which is one of the main invested 95 projects in Ministry of Railway and used for the output of the alternating transmission diesel locomotive. The paper mainly discusses the development of the testing system, used for the output of alternating transmission diesel locomotive of SiFang locomotive Factory, heavily involved in demonstration of testing system project, select and configuration of transducer and hardware, development of software and the measurement of anti-interference. Demonstration of testing system is considered from system integration. The effects of factors of all aspects are considered at first. The project chosen has achieved the demand of system integration. The physical parameters are chiefly considered in the choice of sensors, which should measure the signals exactly. Compared with many data acquisition system, the type and configuration of the hardware is considered and the one based on VXI bus is chosen at last, which can fulfills the performance of high-speed, large capability, real-time acquisition and high dependability etc. The language of UML is adopted in the development ofsoftware, as well as visible programming language------DelphiS.O, the visualprogramming language. A powerful software is designed, including flexible configuration, data acquisition, management of database, data processing, auto-produced report forms. The preventative measurement of anti-interference is chiefly considered from connection of power ground andsignal ground to cable transmission.According to the requirements of SiFang locomotive Factory, after the hardware and software debugging in the laboratory, the testing system is qualified to meet all requirements and performs successfully as expected.

  • 【分类号】U269
  • 【下载频次】97

