

Discussion on Customer Relationship Management of Chengdu Telecom

【作者】 程青山

【导师】 黄登仕;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先讨论了成都电信目前客户服务的现状,虽然近几年员工意识与客户服务都取得了一定的成绩,但同时大客户管理、呼叫中心、客户经理制度中都存在着许多问题。并且,电信市场放开和竞争加剧的趋势,对电信企业的竞争能力提出更高要求。由于电信服务的同质化,完善客户服务成为电信企业获取最终竞争优势的重要手段。 同时,本文引进了客户关系管理(CRM)概念,客户关系管理是近几年才开始引起人们关注的新产物,它认为,客户同样也是企业的一种资源,企业的工作应围绕着客户关系展开,但不是所有客户都应实行客户关系管理,应首先评价客户关系能够给企业带来的价值并确定有价值客户即客户关系管理的对象,然后利用现代技术——呼叫中心与数据库的结合,有机地整合客户信息,了解客户需求,更有效地为客户提供服务,创造更大利润。根据成都电信客户群的特点和目前客户管理的现状,笔者认为,引进客户关系管理势在必行。 客户关系管理首先是作为一种技术解决方案引入中国的,因此国内目前许多的研究成果都是围绕技术展开的。但笔者认为,客户关系管理首先应作为一种管理理念,一种业务重组,其次才是技术方案的解决。因此,本文提出了首先从解决全员思想,提高员工意识着手,然后通过识别你的客户、实行“一对一营销”、建立功能强大的客户资料数据库、提升呼叫中心的服务作用、大客户服务中心的改进、加强市场营销管理、销售管理、实现企业各种资源的整合以提高企业的效益。 本文与国内大多数研究成果不同,本文重点不在于技术层面的解决,相反,更加注重思想的统一,业务流程的改造,为成都电信能够成功引进客户关系管理技术系统打下了坚实的业务基础。

【Abstract】 The paper discusses the situation of client service of Chengdu telecom at first. Though in recent years the idea of employee and the client service has made great progress, at the same time there are also many problems in the administration of Important Client Management, Call Center and Client Manager system. The trend of the telecom market’s opening and competition’s strengthening has put out higher requirement of the competition ability of the telecom business. As the telecom service are almost the same, perfect client service has become an important measure which helps telecom business win the ultimate competence advantage.Client Relationship Management (CRM) is a new solution that attracted people’s attention in recent years. It regards the client as the resource of enterprises as well and the work of enterprise should be done according to the client relationship. But not all the clients should use the CRM. We should evaluate the value that the relationship of client can bring to the business, then can we decide the profitable client, i.e the object of CRM, then we can use the modern technology-combination of call center and database to integrate the information of clients. Know more about the need of clients and we can supply service for the clients more efficiently and make greater profit for the business. According to the clients group and the situation of client management of Chengdu telecom, I think for Chengdu telecom, introduce the CRM is necessary.CRM is introduced into China as a technology solution so many domestic researches are focus on the level of technology. But as I know, CRM should at first be regarded as an idea, a reorganization of procedure, then should come the technical solution. So the paper bring out the solution for Chengdu telecom is as follows, unifying the idea of the whole employee to enhance their sense of client,.Then we can improve the performance of the business through identifying your customer, ’one to one marketing’, establishing powerful database of customer information, improving the service of call center and importantcustomer service center, strengthening sales and marketing management and integrating all the resources of the business.This paper is different from most domestic researches. It is not focus on the solution on the technical level, on the contrary, it emphasizes the uniform of ideas and the reform of the business procedure more. It helps Chengdu telecom to establish a steady base to introduce CRM technology successfully.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】271

