

Competitive Strategy of Guizhou Shuanyang General Aviation, Inc

【作者】 孙志强

【导师】 郭耀煌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 贵州双阳通用航空公司主要从事飞播造林、航空护林、航空摄影、航空物探等通用航空业务,于2001改组为有限责任公司,从农林飞行逐步向工业飞行转轨,从附加值较低的业务领域转向科技含量较高的领域。本文拟就改组后的双阳公司制定什么样的战略来面对中国加入世界贸易组织和西部大开发所带来的机遇和挑战等问题,参考SCP战略分析框架,首先确定公司的远景(通过发展通用航空产业,带动国内通用航空飞机生产、零部件制造、整机维修产业的发展)、使命(立足并巩固在西部的地位,力争成为一家跨地域经营,服务全方位的通用航空企业,即在全国范围内经营,业务范围涉及农林、航空摄影、旅游包机、短途客货邮和公务机市场等)和目标(力争在市场份额和利润率方面居于国内通用航空企业领先地位),通过对宏观环境(包括宏观经济,政府现行政策,政策发展趋势)、行业(包括行业基本状况,通用航空市场发展趋势,我国通用航空市场存在的问题)、市场现状与发展、竞争环境(主要竞争对手,业内最新动向,替代产品威胁,供应商,客户的讨价还价能力)以及公司自身处境(SWOT,竞争地位)的分析,制定出公司实现最终目标的近期战略和长期战略。

【Abstract】 Guizhou Shuangyang General Aviation Inc. is working at forestation by flying, aviation forest-guard, aviation photography, aviation object-detect and so on, after re-organization in 2001, its work scope is changing from agriculture to industry flight, from low value-added business to high-tech fields. The thesis discusses about what strategy that shuangyang should establish to face the opportunity and challenge that WTO entry and Western development may bring. By SCP analyses frame and based on corporation’s perspective (drive aircraft production, part manufacture, MRO business development by general aviation market growing X mission (consolidate the position in Western, try to become a multi-regions (nationwide) and full-orientation service ( agriculture, photography, charter flight, short-distance mail and business aircraft) )and target(leading position in marketing share and profit rate), through micro environment ( micro economy, government policy, policy evolution trend), industry ( basic status, market development trend, existing problem ), market current status and development, competitive environment (main competitor, latest up trend, substitute threat, supplier, customer’s baggy capability) and company itself status (SWOT, competitive status) analyses, frame short-term and long-term strategy to achieve Shuangyang inc.’s aim;

【关键词】 竞争战略通用航空双阳公司
【Key words】 Competitive StrategyGeneral AviationShuanyang Inc
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】590

