

【作者】 姜燕

【导师】 李耀光;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 慢性原发性肾小球疾病(CPG),中医归属为“水肿”、“虚劳”范畴。近年来的研究认为,病因病机主要为先天禀赋不足,脾肾虚弱,和外感风、寒、湿、热、毒邪相兼为患,导致肺失宣肃、脾失运化、肾失开合出现水液潴留、精微不固,形成水肿、蛋白尿等而发病。其证侯特点表现为本虚标实,本虚以脾肾虚损为主,邪实则有风、寒、湿、热、瘀血的不同,多数学者认为湿热和瘀血贯穿病程的始终。治疗方法上主要涉及健脾温肾、益气养阴、滋阴补肾、清热解毒、活血化瘀等,一部分学者采用辨证论治,一部分学者则采用专方专药,疗效显著。中医治疗CPG的疗效标准有待进一步规范,辨证客观化的研究亦有待深入,仍需加强临床研究以发现新方或从现有的药方中优选理想的方药以提高其疗效。由于雷公滕治疗蛋白尿的显著疗效,由其组成的复方有望成为治疗本病的廉价、高效、副作用少的主要药物。

【Abstract】 Chronic primary glomerulopathy (CPG) belongs to edema or consumptive disease in TCM. Inherent innet deficiency (especially spleen and kidney weakness),with affection by external evils,such as Wind,Cold,Dampness,Heat and Toxin is the main etiological factor,which results in lung failing to disperse and descend. spleen failing to transport and transform,kidney failing to open and close respectively. The symptom and sign character is deficiency in root and excess in superficiality. The former is mainly spleen and kidney weakness,the later can be Wind,Cold,Dampness,Heat evils or Blood stasis. Most scholars think that Blood stasis and Dampness-Heat pass through the whole course of CPG. Therapeutic method frequently include invigorating Spleen and warming Kidney,supplementing Qi and nourishing Yin,replenishing Yin and supplementing Kidney,clearing away Heat-toxin and promoting Blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. Some scholars adopt treatment based on differentiation,while some scholars use a certain prescription or drug.Both curative effect criterion of TCM and differentiation of syndrome and signs need to be improved. Clinical study should be strengthened to find new prescriptions or select more perfect herbs. Compound prescriptions with Caulis Tripterygi as primary ingredient may become the chief medicaments in future in virtue of its notable curative effect on proteinuria,lower price and fewer side effects.

  • 【分类号】R277.51
  • 【下载频次】120

