

Research on Full-bridge Mode Current Mode AC/AC Converter with High Frequency AC Link

【作者】 尹春

【导师】 陈道炼;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先论述了AC/AC变换器的发展及现状。 本文提出了基于反激Flyback变换器的电流源高频交流环节AC/AC变换器电路结构及其拓扑族。该电路结构由输入周波变换器、高频储能式变压器、输出周波变换器以及输入、输出滤波器构成能够将一种不稳定劣质的正弦交流电变换成另一种同频率稳定的优质正弦交流电压。该电路拓扑族包括单四象限功率开关式、推挽式、半桥式、全桥式电路,以全桥式电路为例分析研究了这类换器工作模式、稳态原理与电压瞬时值反馈控制策略,给出了变换器的外特性曲线、关键电路参数、与电网电压n倍频或n分频信号同步的基准正弦电路的设计。论文对这类变换器实现AC/AC变频变换作了初步探讨。 这类换器具有电路拓扑简洁、两级功率变换(LFAC/HFAC/LFAC)、双向功率流、高频电气隔离、网侧电流波形好、负载适应能力强、适合于小功率变换场合等特点。仿真与原理试验均证实了这类变换器的正确性与先进性,为实现新一代电子变压器、正弦交流稳压器、交流调压器奠定了关键技术基础。

【Abstract】 The present status and development trend of AC/AC converters are firstly presented in the thesis.Then novel circuit structure and circuit topologies family of current mode AC/AC converters with high frequency ac link,based on Flyback converter,are proposed. The circuit structure which can transfer one unregulated sinusoidal voltage with high THD into another regulated constant frequency sinusoidal voltage with low THD is constituted of input cycloconverter,high frequency storage transformer,output cycloconverter,input and output filter. The topologies family include single four-quadrant power switch mode,push-pull mode,half-bridge mode,and full-bridge mode circuits. Taking full-bridge mode circuit as an example,the operational mode,steady principles,transient voltage feedback control strategy of the converter are investigated. The output characteristic curve,the design for the key circuit parameters and the reference sinusoidal circuit which is synchronous with the signal of n or 1/n times line voltage frequency are given. The current mode AC/AC variable frequency converters with high frequency ac link are also presented in the thesisThe current mode AC/AC converters with high frequency ac link have the advantages such as simple topology,two-stage power conversions,bidirectional power flow,high frequency electrical isolation,strong load adapting ability,suit for low power conversion fields. The correction and advance of these converters are verified by the simulation and test results.

  • 【分类号】TP212
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】397

