

【作者】 戴小明

【导师】 刘春生;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 直升机强度试验是直升机设计、研究中不可或缺的必要过程,而在直升机强度试验中,电液伺服控制系统又是必不可少的加载设备,本文详细阐述了多通道模糊PID电液压伺服控制系统的设计。在设计的过程中,针对过去液压伺服控制系统的缺点,进行了一些处理。 该系统采用多级控制,分为上、中、下三级,体现集中管理、分散控制的思想,即提高了系统的可靠性,也使系统更容易操作。 为改善伺服阀的特性,在系统各通道的伺服输出电路中增加了可程控的阀偏置和阀颤振电路。 为提高系统对被控对象参数发生变化的适应能力和提高控制效果,设计了模糊PID控制器,得出了模糊PID的仿真结果。 上位机软件采用VC++6.0进行设计,它是一个人机操作界面,完成试验操作人员对试验控制和管理,将试验结果进行保存,并通过以太网和中间的工控机通讯,把操作人员的命令送给工控机、把试验数据送给上位机。 本系统在安装调试完之后,进行了某型直升机原理样机中央件的疲劳试验的加载控制,从试验的结果来看,系统工作可靠,控制精度高,操作方便,性能良好。

【Abstract】 The test of intensity of breaking is necessary for the R&D of helicopter, howeverelectrohydraulic servocontrol system is indispensable to it. The paper mainlyintroduces the design of the digital multi-channels coordinating servocontrol systemthat be used for helicopter fatigue and static test; Solved some problems come withanalog servocontrol system.In order to improve the reliability and maneuverability, the system was divided intothree grades, It is the embodiment of the thinking that centralize management anddecentralization control. There are valve dither and valve set-point circuit to improvethe performance of the system.We designed a fuzzy-PID controller to improve the adaptive abilities and boostcontrol precision of the system. And given the result of simulation.The software running in PC was programmed with VC++6.0,It is a interface that takecharge the test management N control and save the test data, and exchange middle testdata with the PC/104 by Ethernet.After finished the installation and debugging of the system, it was use for the fatiguetest of center plate of rotor systems theorical moke-up main hub, based upon the resultof the test, the system was considered that have good reliability and high controlprecision.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】360

