

Research on Chinese Middle and Small Enterprise Financing

【作者】 马全丽

【导师】 邓明然;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国中小企业在吸收劳动力就业、产品创新、活跃城乡经济、满足社会各方面需求、促进国民经济发展等方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用,已成为支撑经济增长的重要力量。但近几年来,中小企业融资难却越来越成为其发展的瓶颈,并且这个问题很难通过市场经济中的融资市场得到自动满足。显而易见,只有深入分析中小企业融资难问题的症结所在,才能对症下药,达到政府与金融机构通力合作,促进中小企业的发展。本文对中小企业融资难这一问题作了较系统的研究,分析了中小企业融资难的现状和原因,并有针对性地提出了解决中小企业融资难的对策。具体来讲,本文共分5章,主要内容如下: 第1章:在介绍国外中小企业界定标准的基础上给出了我国中小企业的定义,并对中小企业在我国经济发展和社会安定中的重要地位和重大作用进行了分析;接着介绍了融资方式的几种常见的分类方法及各种不同分类方法中不同融资方式的特点;最后结合中小企业的具体情况,分析了中小企业融资的特征。 第2章:详细分析了中小企业内源融资、直接融资、间接融资的现状、存在的问题及原因。首先,从内源融资状况看,我国中小企业内源融资能力严重不足,这与中小企业自身经济效益差、自我积累意识差等原因有关。其次,从直接融资状况看,由于证券主板市场规模限制、二板市场尚未建立、风险投资刚刚起步、产业投资基金缺乏等外部因素和企业自身原因等一系列因素的影响,我国中小企业实际上从直接融资渠道获得的资金相当有限。于是,间接融资在今后相当长的时间里仍将是企业融资的主导模式。但是,由于企业自身信用不良、经营管理不善、抵押担保能力不足以及银行信贷政策和管理体制的影响,使得企业的间接融资也面临种种挑战和困难。 第3章:具体介绍了美国、意大利、日本、中国香港、中国台湾等境外国家和地区政府扶持中小企业融资的具体做法,对我国政府如何扶持中小企业融资具有一定的借鉴意义。 第4章:在总结境外中小企业融资经验的基础上,提出了从内源融资、直接融资、间接融资三个主渠道来解决我国中小企业融资困难的若干建议。并指出在目前政策尚未到位的情况下,更应进一步开发辅助性融资渠道,促进中小企业融资方法的创新。比如可以实施员工持股计划,进行股权融资;大力发展典当业和融资租赁业融资;鼓励资产证券化融资等。 第5章:强调中小企业要根据自身融资需求,对决定融资成功的各种因素进行综合考虑。在融资之前认真分析如何选择自己需要的融资方式,确定合适的融资规模以及利用各种融资方式的时机,从而做出适当的融资决策。

【Abstract】 The middle and small enterprise of our country takes an important role in absorbing labor forces, innovating product, satisfying the social need and promoting the development of national economy. But now, the middle and small enterprise financing is more and more difficult, which limits its development. What’s more , the problem of financing can’t be automatically solved by the financing market of the market economy. Obviously, in order to suit the remedy to the case and promote the development of middle and small enterprise, the reason of the financing difficulty must be analyzed in detail. This paper makes a systemic research on the financing difficulty of middle and small enterprise. In the paper, the current financing situation, problems and causes facing the middle and small enterprise are analyzed. Relevant countermeasures are put forward to solve the problems. Concrete to speak , this paper totally is divided into five as follows:Chapter one first introduces the definition and function of middle and small enterprise in our country. Then different classification of financing method is discussed. Finally the characteristic of middle and small enterprise is analyzed.Chapter two detailedly analyzes the current financing situation, problems and causes of internal financing, direct financing and indirect financing facing the middle and small enterprise.Chapter three shows how the government of the United States , Italy, Japan, Chinese Hong Kong and Chinese Tai wan support the middle and small enterprise financing.Chapter four puts forward some measures to solve the problem in terms of inner financing, direct financing and indirect financing. What’s more , some assistant measures are also included to promote the innovation of financing.Chapter five emphasizes some factors that the middle and small enterprise must consider before making right decision.

  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】565

