

Study on the Reaction Behavior of Preparation of Poly Ferric Sulfate from Pyrite Cinder

【作者】 赵春霞

【导师】 陈吉春;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 硫铁矿烧渣俗称烧渣,是生产硫酸时焙烧硫铁矿产生的废渣,一般为棕红色,其组分主要是Fe2O3和Fe3O4、金属的硫酸盐、硅酸盐和氧化物。我国是硫酸生产大国,每年产生数百万乃至千万吨烧渣,若能回收其中80%的铁,效益已十分可观。可长期以来,由于硫铁矿烧渣一般采用堆填处置,不仅浪费资源,挤占土地,增加硫酸的生产成本,而且对土壤、水体及大气均有不同程度的污染,对我们的生存环境造成危害。 硫铁矿烧渣虽为一种工业废弃物,也是一种潜在的资源。我国80年代中期就提出了以“资源化”、“无害化”、“减量化”作为控制固体废物污染的技术政策。将固体废物中可利用的组分充分回收利用是控制固体废物污染的最佳途径。硫铁矿烧渣中的主要组分大多是可以进行回收利用的资源,已被多种渠道加以利用,但主要仍集中在一些低附加值的领域。 聚合硫酸铁(简称PFS)是一种高效的无机高分子絮凝剂,其成分可用通式[Fe2(OH)n(SO43-n/2]m表示。在当今环保技术产业中,水处理药剂与材料是水工业、水污染治理与节水回用净化处理工程技术领域中应用最广泛、用量最大的特殊产品。聚合硫酸铁以其良好的絮凝性能和无毒无害的优点倍受人们的关注。利用烧渣中较高含量的铁元素进行无机高效水处理剂PFS的开发,是硫铁矿烧渣最有前途的综合利用途径之一。 本课题结合重点企业委托的实际科研项目,以武钢金山店铁矿硫酸厂的硫铁矿渣为主要原料,在对目前硫铁矿烧渣回收及利用现状进行综合考察的基础上,探讨利用硫铁矿烧渣制取高附加值的无机高分子絮凝剂PFS的制备工艺,取得了良好的效果。整个工艺分烧渣还原焙烧、硫酸浸取和催化氧化聚合三个阶段进行,并采用先进的检测设备,对其制备过程的主要反应行为进行研究,以获取制备工艺的先进性和合理性,为硫铁矿烧渣的更有效利用提供技术支持和理论依据。 利用硫铁矿烧渣进行聚合硫酸铁的开发,以废治废、变废为宝,既有环境效益和经济效益,又具有重要的现实意义和长远意义。

【Abstract】 Pyrite cinder, a kind of red brown solid waste produced from calcining pyrite in the sulfuric acid production, contains Fe2O3, Fe3O4 metallic sulphate, metallic silicate, metallic oxide, etc.. Our country has large-volume production of sulfuric acid, so there are several millions even kilobits tons of pyrite cinder produced every year. If 80 percent of iron in the cinder can be recycled and utilized, the benefits are great. For a long time, pyrite cinder has been disposed by piling up or filling in lowlands or scrap mines, which not only squanders away natural resources, occupies plowland and increases the cost of H2SO4, but also causes the pollution to soil, water and air to some extent which does harm to our living environment.Although pyrite cinder is industrial waste, it’s also a kind of potential resource. In the 1980’s, our government put forward "resourcilization, quantity reduction and innocuousness" as the technique policy to control solid waste pollution. It’s the best way to control solid waste pollution by utilizing and recycling the available and useful composition in the waste adequately. The main compositions in pyrite cinder are resources that can be utilized. People have made use of the cinder in many ways, but many of them are focused on low additional-value fields.Poly ferric sulfate (ab. PFS) is a type of inorganic polymer flocculants with great efficiency and can be expressed as [Fe2(OH)n(SO4)3-n/2]m- Water treatment medicaments and materials are especial products that are widely and largely used in the fields of water industry, pollution treatment, and water purification and reuse engineering. PFS attracts people’s attention by its remarkable coagulant performance, especially its harmlessness and innocuousness. It’s one of the promising utilization methods of pyrite cinder to use its high iron content in synthesizing PFS.Based on a detailed investigation of present utilization and recovery ofpyrite cinder, the preparation process of poly ferric sulphate was discussed in this article and good results were gained. The whole experiment process was divided into three parts - reduction roasting pyrite cinder, vitriol lixiviation and catalytic-oxidation polymerization. Advanced detection equipments and analysis technique were used to study the main reaction behaviors in the preparation process, so the advancement and rationality of the producing process were achieved, which provided technique support and theoretical foundation to the development of new methods and new processes for further utilizing pyrite cinder.To synthesize PFS with pyrite cinder is a way to change wastes to usefulness, which not only has environmental benefits, economic benefits and social benefits, but also has importantly realistic and future meaning.

  • 【分类号】X757
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】414

